Sunday 5 February 2023

Oat Milk Addiction and 9th Cycle Updates.

Lately, I have started really getting into Oat Milk in my coffee and I can finally understand what the hype is all about. It eliminates the bitterness in my coffee and gives it this nutty taste, which is really nice, so there goes my plan of trying to eliminate coffee from my diet, at least until I get bored of the Oat Milk, which might happen quite quickly at the rate I am drinking it.

Also, report from my 2nd round of Guard Duty last afternoon, it was very uneventful, we had the new guys join for the first 3 hours of the shift, I did not interact with the first active soldier who was doing the emplacement with me at all because he was busy talking to the new guys, so I started reading my Kindle and I was planning to start conversing with him when the new guys leave, but before that could happen, he got swapped out and another person took over, that person is most likely a senior "lao jiao" and the new guys started chatting with him for the next hour.

One way to tell if someone is a "lao jiao" is in the way they are dress, their uniform always looks very loose and messy, the way they walk when they have to open the main gate for vehicles to enter lacks any sort of urgency and the very obvious sign that someone is a "lao jiao" is in the way they choose to entertain themselves during their duty, which is through the blatant use of their phone. 

There were times I wanted to approach him to try and initiate a conversation, but because of how long it had already been, attempting to start one 4 hours into my duty just feels forced, he himself also didn't seem very receptive to starting one and he also didn't make any attempts to start one, so we both just did our own thing, I read my Kindle, he used his phone, at least we both had something to keep us entertained. 

But this sort of awkward quietness is the reason why I actually prefer working with newbies "xin jiao", because they are always much friendlier, they still haven't develop that bitterness that "lao jiaos" usually develop after months of doing the exact same shit, so they are much friendlier and sociable to having conversations, which in turn makes them more proactive in starting one, like what happen with the first guy I did my duty with. He was actively conversing with me, and so I reciprocated by also having conversations with him, also because the newbies are still very regimented from BMT, they will use their phone very sparingly, which means their main source of entertainment will be talking to whomever is doing duty with them. 

Anyways, my next duty will start at 6pm, so I have quite some time to rest before needing to report back to camp again, this time it will be with a different shift, I am not sure how strict their active commander will be, I am under the assumption that he could potentially be a dickhead based on the experience my Reservist Commander had with him when it came to discussing our schedule.

Fingers crossed he will actually not try and find trouble with the ICTs because I would very much like to continue reading my Dune novel and attempt to finish it by the end of this cycle. The active commanders from my past cycle don't touch the ICTs at all unless we did something out of line, like maybe sleeping during our duty or smoking in the emplacement in full view of the CCTVs, but smaller acts like eating whilst on duty or sitting down when we are suppose to stand up is something they tend to ignore, so hopefully, this active commander will do the same and just leave us be. 

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