Tuesday 14 February 2023

9th Cycle - Complete

 And with that, I have officially completed all my Guard Duties for the 9th Cycle. I didn't particularly enjoy the driving experience this time around, it was no doubt very convenient and definitely a need for me for my upcoming cycle in September, but it felt so exhausting having to drive from the West to the East and back to the West again on an almost daily basis for the past 2 weeks.

After my 2nd last duty yesterday, I decided to just take a hyper lapse video of the drive home from camp, it took me almost 50 minutes because it was evening peak hour and there was slow traffic along the expressway....

 .....but this is how the trip is like in general, and I had to do this 24 times. 

I also realized how shit the rental car really is after sitting in my Dad's car when we were sending my sister off to the airport, it was just so much smoother and so much quieter, I couldn't feel any bumps, when he was driving at 80km/h, it was silent whereas with the Kia Picanto, driving at the speed already sounds like I am pushing the car to it's limit and anything beyond will mean the whole car just completely breaking apart. That being said, I will probably still rent it in September, just because it's cheaper and gets the job done. 

Anyways, the last few duties were alright, my last third one was pretty good, it was on Sunday evening, so there was very little activity that night, I spend most of the time just chatting with the xin jiao, I got him a box of Oreos because he had requested for it, we listen to podcast and watched some Youtube videos, out of all the Guard Duties I have done throughout my ICT journey, that was probably one of the more memorable ones.

Nothing really significant happened after that, it was just the same ole same ole, reported for duty, did my duty, end my duty, come home and then repeat. I did chauffer 2 of the actives out of camp today though because they were leaving early, dropped one guy off at the main bus stop outside the camp and then another near my place because he wanted to take a direct bus from that bus stop, he asked me if the bus he wanted to take was available and I told him that that bus will come through thee bus stop I was going to drop him off at, I later went to google once I got home and realized that bus had changed it's route since 2018, which means that guy probably had to do a few transfers. Didn't have his number so I couldn't message him to apologize about the miscommunication.

All that's left now is my Out-Pro, which will be happening tomorrow at SAFRA Tampines, where we will be forced to play a few rounds of bowling and catered lunch. I'm sure a lot of us will be having a lot of negative feedback regarding this cycle's duty arraignments tomorrow.

Update : Out-Pro-ed

Just got back from the Cohesion for our Out Pro, did not bother to take part in the bowling at all, just read a sample of Dune Messiah on the Kindle to decide if I actually want to get the book and the answer is no. 

As much as I would like to get immersed into the story of Dune, it's just not really my cup of tea, I was actually quite bored most of the time when I am reading it in camp because of how slow pace it was, and I was looking forward to completing it just for the sake of completing it and not because I wanted to know what happens next in the story,  the pacing was only at an acceptable pace for me towards the end, but if the second books' pacing is going to similar to the first, whereby it's so slow for the first 90% and then catches up at the last 10%, then I don't really see myself being able to enjoy the 2nd book or any other books after that. Also now that my Reservist is over, I will probably not be in a reading mood again until September when I have to go back for my final cycle.

Anyways, everyone else did take part in the bowling, but within 20 minutes all of them just stopped playing and when back to either chit chatting or playing with their phones, I played a bit of Mobile Legend once I decided Dune Messiah was not for me anymore. 

Our encik also visited us and had a de-briefing with everyone, none of the higher ups came because they were probably all hiding in their office, afraid of the backlash that they will no doubt be getting from us for not doing anything about our complaints we had brought up to them if they appear.

We also had lunch catered for us, but the caterers went to the wrong SAFRA at Yishun, so they ended up coming about an hour late, I was quite hungry by the time they arrive, so I did take quite a healthy portion of food, but then as I was 70% through with my food, my friend who was seated across form me ended up choking on his dessert and coughed out his grass jelly onto my plate, so I didn't end up finishing it because it was gross. 

Once the meal was done, we were finally released and so I drove my last proper drive home in my rental car. The next time I will be driving it again will be to send it back to the shop for return tomorrow. Will most likely see it again in September if I decide not to splurge a bit more, the last time I decided to splurge a bit more, I ended up getting Covid and wasting all that money, so now I am a bit wary of that.

Song(s) of the Moment - 

The Great War - Taylor Swift

Generation - tripleS

Rising - tripleS

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