Wednesday 8 February 2023

9th Cycle - Half Way There

So I have just found out that ICT MC did not use Night Blindness as an excuse for his medical condition, all he did was tell our Commanders that he has sensitive eyes, so the natural Sunlight that shines into the sentry emplacement in the daytime and the spotlight that are turned on at night are too strong for his eyes. 

Before my duty started this morning, I notice he was in the pantry having his breakfast, so I greeted him and as I was filling up my water bottle, just casually asked him how his eye was, out of curiosity and also just to jab him a little to see if it was a lie. He claimed he had an operation before the start of his ICT, thus the sensitivity, then apologize for causing us to get the short-end of the stick because of it, telling me he had no intention of actually making things difficult for his fellow ICTs.  

Did I believe him about his eye sensitivity issue? Not completely, maybe is was sensitive to the spot light at night because the lights that the camp uses is extremely bright if you were to stare directly at it, but for it to be sensitive even in natural sunlight is a bit of a stretch. 

Did I believe him about not wanting to make things difficult for the ICTs? I did. I guess he had assumed the active soldiers will fill his role because that was what we were told before we started doing duties, that if we were to get MC, our duties for that MC period will be covered by the active soldiers. Unfortunately for us, his wasn't an MC, his was an excuse to completely forgo all his sentry duties at the main gate, the active soldiers can only cover his duties to a certain extent, I am sure the active commander also wasn't going to just let this slide and allow their own guys to be "taken advantage" of by this turn of events, so they made us pay by swapping emplacements internally between the ICTs as well and have the rest of us pay for ICT MC's shortcomings.

So I experienced the short-change this morning, ICT MC went to do the aircon emplacement and I did his main gate emplacement, thankfully the weather this morning was relatively cooling, there was a constant breeze so I didn't feel as bitter as I thought I would be about the whole situation. However, I will have to experience this short-change again for my very last duty as well, so I hope the weather then will also be as good as today to minimize the bitter taste in my mouth. 

I am now done with 5 duties, now to have a long break ( a full day) before having to go back again at the end of the week to complete the next 5. Hopefully I can complete my Dune novel by then so I can fully enjoy the movie when I finally watch it.

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