Monday 6 February 2023

9th Cycle - Night Blindness?

My Guard Duty with the next platoon has come and gone and I am vey happy to report that the active Commander is thankfully not a big dickhead like I was led to believe that I had based from the conversation my Reservist Commander had with him.

This way this other platoon work right now is they will send the newbies along with an active spec or active "lao jiao" to do 3 hour rotations, the spec and "lao jiao" will stay for an hour before leaving the newbies alone and I only really got into the mood of initiating conversation with the newbies after the other 2 guys left.

I had my own entertainment in the form of my Kindle, so conversating to kill time isn't my top choice, I will only actively start one if I see the newbies suffering from boredom because they themselves still cannot bring along their phones to the emplacement yet and all they are really able to do if I don't talk to them is either walk around the emplacement or stare into space.

The 6 hours didn't feel too long, I was reading my Kindle 60% of the time, the Dune novel is finally starting to get interesting because the first 30% of it was just a lot of political build up. 

Anyways, after my duty, I was supposed to be replaced by another ICT, my cycle this time round included a local celeb and that local celeb was supposed to my replacement, but for some reason, an active solider replaced me instead. I didn't think too much of it and assumed he had maybe gotten an MC, so I returned my rifled and headed home. 

Had to stop by the petrol station to top up some gas on the way, and once I was done with the top up and was making my way out of the station, I almost got into an accident with a motorcycle. 

The road outside the Petrol Station has 4 lanes, when I was on my way out, I was checking to see if my lane was empty, I noticed that there was a bunch of headlights and they all seemed to be quite far away, figured based on the distant of all the lights, I could turn out before they arrive just in time, so I did, but I failed to notice that there was a single motorcycle coming towards the lane I was turning out to, the cyclist starts honking when he sees my car popping out, I jam break as this motorcyclist drives past me, I can see him just lifting one hand in the air very angrily. 

It was a really close call, I drove really slowly afterwards and was waiting for him to make a turn before I sped up again to a regular driving speed because I really didn't want to drive pass him for him to get a good look at me or to potentially get confronted by him. I really need to clean the car's side mirrors.

Reached home, went to sleep pretty quickly after that and at about 6am just now, I got a text from one of the ICT and he told me another ICT whom I shall refer to as MC has apparently gotten a Doctor Memo that is preventing him from doing night duty due to some medical condition, I assume it's night blindness, so now MC is doing the same duty timing as him.

Just a bit of background with our emplacements, after our Reservist Commander went to negotiate with the Active Commanders, they made a small compromise and gave us a slightly better emplacement to cover in the morning, this means our main emplacement will be covered by their active soldiers instead. Both emplacements are still Sentry, but one is in an air-conditioned room and the other is out in the open. 

That air-conditioned emplacement is like the one duty that we can really just relax a little, but because MC went to report of his "night blindness" shit, he claims he cannot do any night duties, so now, all his night duties will be done by the active soldiers and he will cover all their morning duty, but instead of covering their morning schedule in the non-airconditioned emplacement, he will instead take over our duty in that air-conditioned emplacement whilst the rest of us have to do the non air-conditioned emplacement. 

What's so infuriating about his shit is not just the fact that he denied the rest of us our air-con emplacement, he was also the very first one to decide which duty timings he wanted, and despite having this night blindness condition, he still went ahead and chose the one with the most midnight duties before we officially started our Guard Duty. The other ICT that is doing the duty with him now is essentially complaining about him to me.

My 2 morning duties in the coming days are now going to be affected because of this fucker, this guy has essentially given himself the easy way out and indirectly sabotaged the rest of us. He doesn't even have an official Medical Letter, all he has to show was the appointment schedule he made with the clinic.

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