Saturday 4 February 2023

9th Cycle - Duty Starts

 My guard duties have officially started and this is the first time I am doing duty with 7 other active soldiers in the emplacement, it's so weird how inefficient the entire system is because even though only we have 7 guys, only 1 is actually doing the duty with me whilst the other 6 are shadowing him to learn the ropes, (they came in 2 groups of 3, each group on a 3 hour rotation), which means they have 6 active soldiers available that they are choosing not to deploy.

If they are "learning the ropes", they can do it whilst being deployed as a Sentry Guard because the Sentry literally has to do nothing but stand there with a gun, that's it, you could have killed 3 birds with 1 stone by giving them the Sentry Duty, you can acclimatize them to the 6 hour duty rotation, they can also learn the ropes from their seniors about how to properly allow people into the camp for a full duty, and most importantly for me and my ICT group, alleviate our workload, 3 birds you can kill, but they are only killing 1 bird with 1 stone. The level of inflexibility they are showcasing here is just mind-blowing.  

You literally have the manpower to lessen the workload of the ICT, but you are choosing not to do it because according to the higher ups, it's "the new norm" and we should get used to it. Like fuck off, what fucking bullshit is this, "the new norm" is not a valid excuse to suddenly increase our workload and make us do duties at full capacity when all the past cycles, we have never been required to do this, let's just call a spade a spade, they just have extremely poor resource management.

Anyways, my first duty was quite smooth sailing, the weather was nice and cooling, I did like that the emplacement was a bit livelier than it would usually be because of all the new guys being there, (although I would prefer they just take on some sentry duties for us ICTs instead doing shadowing like the way they are doing now), so the 6 hours didn't feel too much like an eternity, but this is only the first, I still have 9 more to go and I am under the assumption that the current shift I am with has a much nicer Active Platoon Commander than the other shift, not really sure how much of a dick the other Active Platoon Commander will be because he is the one that our own Reservist Commanders were trying to negotiate with for our duties and the one who didn't want to give in.

I also brought my Kindle along during my last duty, just to start reading again, so we'll see how much of the novel Dune I can finish reading during this cycle. 

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