Sunday 10 January 2021


There is this "blur-ness" that my client from one of my current project has, that has gone from endearing at the start of the renovation, to a little frustrating to deal with now that we are at the end of it.

There has been a few scenarios...

First scenario

After telling him that contractor B can only come in after contractor A has done their works, he will message me a few days later and ask me if B is "coming this week" even though A will only come in 3 weeks later, and he ask if B will come almost every week and I will have to keep reiterating that B will only come in after A has completed their end of the work. 

Second Scenario

A few weeks back, I told him that we will be doing the touch up for his painting works only after his bulky furniture has arrived, reason being that those bulky furniture could end up damaging the wall during the move, so touching up the current paint now might be redundant if it will end up getting scratched again.

He doesn't believe me and request for the painters to come in sooner, problem is I can't get them in sooner because he was requesting them to come with only a few days notice, my painters need at least a week advance notice. I had no other option, so I ended up getting my handyman to drop by instead to do the touch up, that ended up costing me $150.

Last week, his furniture finally came in and he sends me a picture of his wall getting scratched by one of the large furniture and request for me to get my painters to come and touch up the walls for him, LITERALLY THE SCENARIO I HAD WARNED HIM ABOUT A WEEK PRIOR. I would have liked to reply "TOLD YOU SO!", unfortunately, that isn't very professional , so I ended up having to arrange my painter, which thankfully is part of the painter's service so I don't have to pay for that, but fuck me because I paid for the handyman who came and touch up for shit.

Third Scenario

Today, my electricians were scheduled to drop by his place to install his dining lights for him, we couldn't install it previously because the shop he visited had some delay in shipment, which was fine, so last week, I told him I will arrange it for today, and that because the electrician has a pretty tight schedule during this period, they need quite a bit of advance notice.

I drop him a text yesterday evening to remind him of the electrician's visit and told him I will update him on the timing again later at night once my electrician is done with their scheduling, which usually happens only at around 8.30pm, and his response to that was...

"Sorry, I forgot they are coming tomorrow"

... I appreciate that he was apologetic, but I did not appreciate him forgetting about the arrangement, I was very worried and asked if that meant he hadn't gotten the lights yet, to which he told me he has and then proceeds to ask me what time they electrician will be dropping by...

I literally wrote in that reminder that I do not have the time yet, that I will only be able to let him know the timing at night and he ask me what time they will be dropping by. I then ask him what time he would prefer and he tells me the afternoon would be good, so I proposed between 1pm to 3pm, to which he agrees and thankfully, my electrician was able to adhere to my request. 

Today, the electricians were scheduled to drop by and my client suddenly text me at 11am, asking me to get the electrician to come down a little later because he was afraid he couldn't make it to the apartment in time. He had requested that they pop by at 2.30pm instead.

It was so fucking frustrating because I have told him that the electrician's timing is very pack, that means every hour counts, if one site gets delayed by an hour, it will have a domino effect. You don't just tell me last minute that you want them to drop by later and expect it to be done.

Thankfully, once again, my electrician was able to adhere to the request because the electrician was going to be around the vicinity the entire day, so it wasn't really a problem.

2.30pm comes around and my client tells he is home, I told him that the electrician should be popping by soon and then there wasn't anymore replies after that.

At around 3.30pm, he sends me a message and tells me that after the electrician has done the install works, there will be more areas that need touching up, so I told him that the painter will take care of it when they drop by next week, I had already arranged it for him the week before and he had agreed to it, but then he suddenly goes..

"Can your painter come by the following week instead?"

... which was fine, except I was worried that the painter would be taking their CNY break by then, so I told him I will check, but cannot promise. He agrees and tells me to keep him updated.

Not long after, he sends me a picture of the dining light my electrician had installed for him, I thought he was just updating me that the light had been installed and I was going to reply with a "Looks good", but then the picture was accompanied by a text that reads...

"Tim, your electrician install the lights wrongly, it's not centered with the table."

... I wanted to roll my fucking eyes so badly, I really wanted to scold him so fucking badly through text.

Why did you not bother to double confirm with the electrician the position of the lights before he installed them?

Why the fuck are you telling me this this right after the electrician has left your place?

I get that I have a responsibility to be there to make sure everything runs smoothly, but this is something that is so easy to handle, all you have to do is confirm the position with the electrician, agree that the position is correct and then let the electrician do his thing, the chances of screwing this up is microscopic, and if anything is not done well, HEY! The electrician is RIGHT THERE and you can just let him know straightaway and have the issue resolved.


Manages to screw up the light position despite being on site with the electrician to actually determine if the position is correct IN PERSON.

Only realizes the position is wrong AFTER the electrician has left and then say my electrician installed it wrongly. 

MY GAWD! This is like peak blur cock! It's so frustrating. 

Luckily the electrician was within the vicinity so he was able to return and "rectify the issue", which later turns out to be the client not placing the table at the correct position it was originally in, which is another "WTF HOW BLUR CAN YOU GET?" situation! 

I mean I am grateful that at least he is a nice guy but holy shit, the level of frustration I had to deal with today because of how blur he is is just astronomical. 

I feel like when the painter goes up the following week, it will be another new scenario to deal with again, I cannot underestimate how blur he is.

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