Tuesday 12 January 2021

Another Interview again.

Just had a zoom interview with the company I had applied for about 2 weeks back for an in-house designer position and it went the way I had sort of expected it to, which was being informed that I was lacking the relevant software skills to actually be considered for the role, mainly my AutoCAD skills, which at this point is pretty much non-existent.

The meeting with the boss was pleasant, we had a good chat at the start, I introduced myself and shared with him my education qualifications and work experience, he asked me which job I had applied for because apparently his company had multiple positions available and he wanted to double confirm it with me, so I told him I had applied for the In-House Position, he requested to see my portfolio, and since it was online, he asked me to send the link to him after the interview so he can take a look, so we continued with the interview and started discussing about what I am doing at my current job and then delve into my software knowledge.

We first went into 3D Modelling, which I had assumed was the more important skill he was looking for because it is stated in the job listing that they wanted someone who could do 3D Modelling, my main concern was which software he wanted me to be proficient at and I was extremely relieved when he told me Sketch Up was fine because he uses Sketch Up himself.

After that, we started discussing what I was dreading, which was my AutoCAD skills.

It's non-existent, I have stopped using the Software ever since I graduated from Poly, I know only the very basic, aside from being able to draw a few lines, I knew fuck-all about the software and I wasn't going to lie and ovesell my AutoCAD skills, there isn't any point to lie now, get the job and then get fired after they find out that I can't draw a Floorplan out for shit. So I told him I know AutoCAD, but haven't used it in a while because I have been relying on another software for my space planning proposals.


It was at this point when the boss started to get really disinterested and goes...

"Yeah, that is a problem."

... and then goes on about how he needed the In-House Designer he plans to hire to be very proficient, not just in the software itself, but also have knowledge when it comes to actually drawing out a floorplan for building submission, which is something I know fuck-all about.

Everything kinda went downhill from there and I honestly just wanted to get the interview over and done with at that point. 

He started sharing with my about other positions he had, but then I could sense he wasn't very keen to hire me for those positions because I told him in the beginning that I wanted something that was more behind the scenes, that I didn't want to deal directly with homeowners anymore and the position he had in mind was exactly the position I didn't want, which he also brought up, he was pretty much thinking out loud because he was offering me the position and then turning it down for me.

But right after that, he told me he could offer me a mixture of the position I had applied for and the sales position, telling me it could work like an apprenticeship, wherein I can join their company and test out my skills to see if I was suitable for the position. It wasn't very convincing because I could tell he also wasn't really sure what exactly the position he was trying to offer me was because it made no sense.

So you want me to meet clients, run projects, and prepare 3D Drawings for my colleagues at the same time.

That would be like asking a Grab Delivery guy to deliver the food and also be the one who prepares the food in the kitchen, it just doesn't work.

I knew he didn't know what he was offering me, so I also didn't bother to clarify what exactly that position would entail, he kept telling me he will have to discuss with his business partner first but I don't think he will actually bother.

Before the interview ended, he reminded me to send him a link to my portfolio again and it just felt very ingenuine, like he was just saying it be be consistent with his earlier request to see my portfolio BEFORE he knew I didn't have the relevant software skill he was looking for.

So I send him a message with a link to my portfolio, making sure to thank him for taking the time to talk to me.

This was done via Whatsapp, not via email, so I was honestly expecting him to reply something simple like...

"Thanks Tim!"


"Will take a look! Thanks Tim"


"*Thumbs Up emoji*

... like a simple courtesy reply, but he didn't bother. I was just left at a "double tick". 

I decided to delete his number and the chat an hour after I send him the link to my portfolio.

So this interview was a wreck, but at least it wasn't as bad as the Food Writer interview I went for a few years back, now that is one that I think about from time to time and just cringe.

Here is hoping I get shortlisted for an Interview with the HDB position because that is the one that I really want to get! I feel like there is nothing more stable than a job in the Government Sector.

In the meantime, I am not getting any new projects and my current ones have pretty much ended, save for a last round of touching up for my blur customer, so I am now in a way "jobless". 

Prior to this interview, I was unable to see myself getting any new projects and running them because a that stable job I had been looking for just felt like it was within reach, like it was plausible for me to leave my current job before CNY, but the moment the interview was over, all the just went away and I just wanted to get new customer leads again.

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