Sunday 2 October 2016

I did not enjoy Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculair Children

As someone who has read and enjoyed Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Trilogy, I was very excited when the writer announced that Tim Burton was going to make a film adaptation out of it.

The news of the movie came after I had completed reading the 2nd book, Hollow City and was in the midst of reading the final book, Library of Souls. When I read and saw the cast for the main characters, Emma and Jake, reading the books only made it that much more easier for me to picture the characters in my head, and with Eva Green playing Miss Peregrine, I thought this movie was going to be perfect, despite Miss Peregrine being a lot older in the novels, my appreciation for Eva Green was able to look past that.

And then the official pictures came out and I noticed something was wrong.
First Look. Something's wrong.
In the books, Emma, one of the main characters, had the peculiarity of Fire.

Emma Bloom

When I first saw this picture, I thought, Emma looked pretty on point, with her gloves and red hair, she was also looking the same age as she was suppose to be in the book, maybe a bit older but it's close enough. And then I realize, that is not the actress who is playing Emma, the actress who is playing Emma is the one of the extreme right.

Why is she wearing the boots Olive is suppose to be wearing, What the fuck is going on? If she is playing Emma, then who the hell is that Emma looking girl on the left?

Olive Abroholos Elephanta

This is Olive, she is a little girl who is lighter than air and needs to wear a pair of heavy boots made of lead to prevent her from floating away. 

Needless to say, the comments section of the website that posted the first look was filled with confused fans. In fact, it's not just confusion between Emma and Olive....

A little too much creative liberties were taken with the film. 

So here are the issues with the very first picture I saw, as a fan of the Novels.

1. Emma is spot on, if she was actually Emma, but no, ruin that perfect pick by calling her Olive why won't you.

2. Brownyn is suppose to be a lot older, she is the big sister figure in the books and here we have some little kid playing Brownyn, like what the fuck? The character dynamics completely changed because of that.

3. Millard is suppose to be a teenager in the books, not a young child.

4. The twins are not part of Miss Peregrine's Home , or at least they don't make an appearance in the book at all except showing up in pictures.

5. Olive is suppose to be a little girl and someone Brownyn really looks out for as a younger sister, I mean look at the age of  the 2 characters, it's suppose to be reversed, or much older for Brownyn and much younger for Olive. 

I am not even gonna get started on the other characters who are almost unrecognizable in the film because of how much creative liberties Tim Burton took from the source material.

And then I went to watch the movie yesterday with my friend and boy did I have a hard time adjusting. Every time I see Olive in the movie, I kept thinking that is Emma and every time I see Emma in the movie, I keep thinking why the fuck is she floating around when she should be lighting things on fire.

Even the abilities Emma(Film Version)/ Olive (Novel Version) were slightly tweaked, Olive, in the books, was lighter than air, that was it, but in the film, her abilities were powered up and she was given the peculiarity of Air.

Olive can't pull this shit off in the books, at all.

As if making the characters in the film unrecognizable for fans of the novels wasn't bad enough, the actor who played Jake had such bad acting it just made scenes with him around feel very awkward, it's like watching a male version of Kristen Stewart.

The ending for this movie, needless to say, was completely different from the novels, Tim Burton decided to make an ending for this movie that would prevent it from having any future sequels, and even if a sequel could happen, it would have to deviate from the books a lot more than the first film already did.

So overall, the movie was pretty shit for me and probably for anyone who has ever read the books, a lot of details were ruined and I just hated the direction Tim Burton decided to take, I actually find it hard to believe that the writer was actually alright with what Tim Burton was doing to his material.

Maybe if I hadn't read the novels, I would enjoy the movie a bit more because my friend did enjoy the movie, but sadly, I did read the novels and seeing how this movie ended, it's just unfortunate that the much more interesting and exciting stories from the next 2 books will never see a film adaptation ever.

He has 3 books to draw material from to create a movie but he only glances through the first book and makes one really shitty one. For fuck sake, if you are gonna take so much creative liberties from the source material, just go make your own fucking movie and call it something else so another director can actually do a better job at making a proper adaptation and also give us, the fans of the novel, the 2 sequels the franchise deserves.

It's so aggravating, thinking of all the books like Hunger Games, Divergent, Harry Potter etc being able to get proper film adaptions and being able to spawn sequels and then Miss Peregrine Home for Peculiar Children just has the worst luck to get Tim Burton to ruin everything. To think I had high hopes for this movie because of Eva Green and Tim Burton and it was the latter who had to completely ruin everything.

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