Tuesday 18 October 2016

Still Sucks.

Day 2 of work is equally as bad as the first day, no shocker there.

The day started off with me continuing what I was doing yesterday, just struggling and getting very frustrated.

I spend the whole of today doing up a single space planning and finding reference pictures that will help the client understand what the fuck he or she will be looking at when they see the space planning.

The senior designer told me to look for pictures that have a "resort" feel to them because that's what the client wanted, so I did and I thought I hit the jackpot when I found out that there's a theme called Balinese, that's as "resort" feel as you are going to get. You want a resort, I'm going bring Bali to you.

I showed the pictures to the senior designer and was honestly not very confident about them, I mean I spend most of today thinking of how I should quit my job, wondering if I could just drop the boss and text and say "Oops, sorry, job is not for me, kthxbye", I didn't really care if I would be able to impress the senior designer with my pictures, I mean he is already probably getting a bit irritated by how slow I am working, the only thing he can feel about me is probably less irritated, plus he's younger than me and my inferiority complex kicks in every time I have speak to him like he's my boss.

Well, he wasn't impressed with my pictures because he said they were too Balinese, which kinda confused me a little because isn't that what the client wanted? A resort feel? That's fucking Balinese... and he goes...

"The client is looking for a more modern looking kind of resort feel, not Balinese, he wants more clean cut design."

And so I asked him

"So the client wants a modern hotel look?" and he goes...

"Yeah, something like that."

Ummm.....it ain't something like that, it is that. I spend the whole of yesterday narrowing my search to beach resort hotel feel and then today I get told that I have been searching for the wrong theme.

So I continued searching after lunch, did a bit of space planning and showed them to him, he looked through them and listened to me explain what I had in mind in terms of the design, which is really just me winging it, like I don't even know what I am trying to do because I am not familiar with the theme at all, and then he does the same thing again, he looks through my pictures and started telling me which ones were wrong. Almost all of them were wrong.

I did my research again and when it was about time to knock off, I showed the completed space planning to him as well as the pictures I had found, there really weren't many more, and well, he decided to not use my space planning after all because he said there were too many problems with it and just not enough time to fix them as we are going to meet the client tomorrow. He tells me to just knock off half an hour early and leave the pictures for him to comb through on his own, so I did that and left work today at 6.30 pm instead of 7.00 pm. Downside is I have to meet him at Caldecott MRT tomorrow at 8.45 am, thank God for the downtime line, but I also get to leave work at 6.00 pm to make up for it.

After today, I kind of realized the reason why I hate working as an Interior Designer, it's because I am assigned to a senior designer who is constantly telling me my design is bad and what reference images I had found are wrong, it's just very demoralizing and extremely frustrating. It happened during my 3 weeks at the first design firm and it's happening now, this time, much earlier.

Gosh, this just makes me miss working at my Dad's place even more. I would like to eat my lunch alone rather than have it with my colleagues and bask in the awkward silence together.

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