Wednesday 16 April 2014

Whack in the head.

So I was on the bus today on the way home, and because it was a relatively crowded bus,there were quite a few commuters who were holding on to the handgrips on the bus as they were making their way home. I was fortunate enough to be able to grab a seat during my journey home but was unfortunate enough to have a handgrip located right above me.

A few stops later, a kid comes along midway through my journey home and decides to grab the handgrip that was dangling above my head to steady himself on his journey home on the bus, the entire time I was worried whether or not I was going to get elbowed by him because his elbows were so close to my face had the bus driver decided to hit the brakes to stop the bus because someone had to get off the bus the last minute, I would have gotten a whack in the face by his elbows. 

After a few minutes of riding in fear, it was finally time for me to get off, so I pressed the bell and stood up as the bus was coming to my stop, hoping the guy would make an effort to move and grab the handgrips behind him for support to let me through, there was a lot of space for him to move around and a lot of other poles he could grab to support of himself, but no~, he decides to hold on to that stupid hand grip like his life depend on it UNTIL the bus came to a stop. 

So for the entire time between me pressing the button and the bus reaching my stop, I was stuck in a half standing half squatting position, going "Excuse me" , wondering when the fuck was this moron going to move his fucking hand and let me through. 

When he finally did let go, I was more than ready to move off because half squatting and half standing isn't a comfortable position to be stuck in for an extended period of time, plus if I didn't move soon, the bus driver was going to assume everyone who wanted to get off the bus already did and would close to door and drive off.  

So I tried to get out as fast as I could and for some reason, the bloody idiot who was gripping on the the handgrip was actually still holding on the to it as he moved his body back to let me out before releasing his grip on it, so when I stood up and tried to squeeze between him and my seat to get out, the handgrip swung right back and hit me in the head. 

It was so embarrassing because people were already looking at me as I was stuck in my half squat position, only to have an extra dose of entertainment when the "Thinking Man" gets smack in the head with a hand-grip.  The bus driver actually closed the door on me when I was about to reach the exit, luckily I was able to press the bell on time,and get off.

None of this would have been possible had it not been for one inconsiderate idiot.

Fucking idiot also needs a shave, I was staring at his stache the whole time....

If you can't grow a full mustache, don't grow it at all.

... he's got one of those half grown facial hair that Justin Bieber is rocking that looks ugly as hell. It's similar to the type that some girls get but they don't shave it off because they don't want to admit they have facial hair when it's painfully obvious to everyone else.

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