Tuesday 8 April 2014

Horrible admin.

Emailed at-Sunrice 6 days ago asking them if I could schedule a day to head down to collect my certificate, they have yet to reply... I have also been too lazy to call, but after checking my email and realizing it's been 6 days since I sent out that email, I'm starting to feel a bit pissed off.

It's like when you sent a text to someone and they take forever to reply or not reply at all. I do get quite pissed off when they don't bother to reply at all, especially when I am asking them a genuine question which I need the answers to like right away....

"Hey, do you think I should wipe with my hands or just not wipe at all, there's no more toilet paper left and I am at a public bathroom ?"

It's not that hard to reply to a simple text message, it gets tiresome after a while but that's just because I have a relatively short attention span, if the topic is starting to bore me, I start to get less interesting and my text messages gets shorter and shorter, it's like a my message to the person to end the conversation right now before I stop replying entirely and end it abruptly.

I was suppose to get the certificate in February and on the last day there, they even told us they will drop us an email when the certificates were ready for collection, I never received any email of any sort from them except advertisement for their open houses...

"Do you have a passion in cooking? Join us and turn that passion into a career !"... where you work maximum hours and earn minimum wage.

Well the admin side obviously don't have a passion for what they are doing because they suck at what they are doing. Emailed them so many times and they don't reply to a single one of my emails... I am not sending out advertisements... REPLY MY FUCKING EMAILS !

The email I send to them is literally titled  "Regarding my certificate. Please reply to this asap!"

No reply whatsoever. Stupid Fucks. Even resorted to filling out their feedback forms on their website hoping they will reply to that... still decided to be the Stupid Fucks that they are and not reply to that.

I remembered on the last day, I was approached by one of the admission officer who told me to send her an email a few weeks after I graduate from the course to check if I was eligible to be accepted into the diploma course... I send a few and she never replied to any of of them.

The only way now is to call them up since they are so painfully oblivious to how replying to an email works. Can't even do that simple part of their own job properly, to think prospective students have to actually get screened by them first before they are allowed to be seen and interviewed by the chef instructors.

Apparently a lot of my course mate never went to collect their certificate as well because of the fucking stupid timing the school gave us to head down to collect them.

When I went for the interview prior to being accepted to join the certificate program...

"A lot of people who come for this certificate program are usually working adults blah blah blah...."

After completing the course and waiting an incredulous 4 months for them to finalize the certificate because they needed to wait for the trees where they get their paper from to ripen to the good old age of whatever is a good age to make good quality certificate papers out of...

"Oh please come down only on a weekday during this inconvenient timings for a working adult."

It's so fucking stupid how senseless they are. Just mail us the fucking certificates, that's the least you could do for screwing us over on the first day. We were suppose to receive our school identity cards on the first day, the cards allowed us discount privileges at certain bakery supply stores, none of us got the card because their card machine screwed up... for the whole 5 weeks we were there.

I have no idea what they were doing, but I doubt it will take more than a month to fix a bloody card machine, then again they don't understand the simple concept of replying to an email so I guess their negligence in their job is understandable.

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