Monday 14 April 2014

Let's get real...

I personally don't understand how some people are able to take on the "100 Happy Days" challenge on Instagram.  There are a few people on my instagram feed who are attempting to do it, but it seems as though the closer they are to the 100th day mark, the sadder their reason for being happy on that day becomes.

I was expecting to see people post things like...

"Day 59. My kid finally called me Mama! #100happydays"

"Day 42. Mum surprised me with a new puppy. #100happydays"

... I would be happy for the person if their kid spoke their first word or if they got a new puppy because that dog is fucking adorable, I love dogs, unless they bark at me first, then I will steer clear away from them and stare at them from afar while thinking negative thoughts about them, I'm sure the dog will be able to sense my displeasure and then feel bad about it and regret barking at me as I was walking towards him to pet him.

Unfortunately, although it probably isn't really much of my business, most of the #100happydays post I see on my instagram feed aren't really #100happydays worthy, things like....

"Day 10. My subway sandwich today was amazing. #extrarsauce #100happydays"

"Day 98. Nothing like a good cup of coffee to start the day. #prefertea #100happydays" 

I would like the coffee picture though, because it's a good picture and not because I agree with it being a #100happydays post.

I have seen people post things that are quite sad and then #100happydays, it's like me taking a picture of a rainbow cake and going...

"Only need to bake 2 rainbow cakes today from the usual 6. #100happydays"

It's not really so much of a "happy" feeling I get, more like "less miserable". There's a difference between being happy and being less miserable, I would know about the latter because I'm pretty sure I'm going through a quarter life crisis right now.

segue time~

I'm quitting jobs like no one's business because when I have a job, I can't help but think how much better it would be if I was working in another field, so I quit and look for another job and the whole cycle repeats itself. The process in my head is quite simple...

Look for an Interior Design Job. 

Reasons being 

-  I have a Diploma in the field.
- The pay is pretty decent.

When I do get a job as an Interior Designer, I start to find the job to be insanely boring, the pay is good but I spend half my time looking at the clock, waiting to knock off, I'm sure it's already 5 pm, so why is the hour hand stuck at 11 ?

Few weeks later, I leave the job and look for work at a bakery.

Reasons being

- The interior design job sucked
- I love baking
- Too add on to that, I have a professional certificate in baking.

The first few days on the job are great, I'm doing what I love and I'm not looking at the clock as much anymore. But then my hands star getting weaker as the week progresses, my grip starts to weaken. I'm working longer hours but getting a significantly lower pay, the long term benefits are non-existent, my future looks bleak if I were to continue in this field.

Honestly though, as awesome as the job is right now compared to the work at the restaurant, and as much as I don't hate this job, wouldn't go so far to say I love it, but I definitely don't hate it, it's not really something I can see myself doing in the long run simply because of monetary reasons. 

This time I'm going to give this job till the end of the year before making the final decision, follow my passion and get a shit salary or get an office job and get a decent salary. I'm even putting my driving lessons on hold right now because the whole idea of getting a license but not being able to afford a car in the future sounds ridiculous to me. 

Stick it out for a year... the only reason why my job sucks now is because of the damn rainbow cakes I have to make, it used to only be once or twice a week but now I seem to be doing it almost every other day because everyone wants a rainbow cake for their birthday.

Oh, and I managed to waste about 10 kg worth of chocolate batter today because I forgot to add in baking soda and baking powder into the recipe. Those 2 things are very bloody important, as insignificant as the amount put into the recipe might seem.

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