Friday 26 March 2010


As much as I would like to update this blog on a regular basis, I can't. Sometimes my life is just so insanely boring the post just sucks, for a lack of a better word, a fine example would be the one that I just deleted titled "25/03/2010". 

Well, I've decided to save some of your brain cells from dying too quickly, thus I have deleted it. You may thank me later when you get your Mensa membership because you were just a brain cell away from losing it.

Back to today.

Today I have stuff to blog about because when mildy bad things happen to me, it gives me something to blog about. Thumbs up for mildy bad things.

Took the bus downtown to work, as usual, the traffic was pretty smooth so I got to work pretty early. I don't get paid extra  for arriving early, thus never good to go too early to work. I'd rather sit in the bus and look at random strangers standing around, targeting seats that they will attack when the occupants leave.

Reached work, normal boring stuff happens, more repetitive work. The work's so boring, well, to put it in an idiom , the work I am receiving is as boring as my life on a daily basis.  

That's sad.  

Today was a celebration of people born in the month of January, February and March within the company. I was born in the month of March and thus my name wasn't announced. 


But it's a good thing because standing in that room with all my co-workers, and singing Happy Birthday to people I don't know. I don't need my name to be announced and have strangers singing Happy Birthday to me, I don't need that. No~ I don't need that.

I didn't know whose Birthday it was, it probably wasn't anyone's Birthday, just a belated celebration,  especially for those born in January, 3 months later and  they are reminding you that you just got a year older. 

The boss was a nice guy though, served Godiva chocolates to the workers, but it's awkward to be served with chocolates by the boss himself, I felt like I did something wrong by having a chocolate, it's just not the natural order of things.

That chocolate was hard to finish because it felt weird for the boss to be so friendly to an intern like me, I thought I should be the one serving the chocolates and getting cold stares at the employees there as they grab a piece and place it slowly into their mouth, lips pursed, head high and all.

Midway through all that celebratory , forgetting that one of their interns was also a March baby, event came a moment of extreme awkwardness. 

I was suddenly summoned by my supervisors to follow them to the other side of the office, thinking I was either going to get my pay, which is about 7 peanuts plus the Godiva chocolate, or to receive my own business card. The latter was a dumb thought but I saw the supervisor carrying a stack of cards so I thought the company was going to splurge a little on the interns. Then again they only bought 2 cakes to celebrate 7 people's birthday. 

Headed into the other side of the office and was greeted by stares from a bunch of foreign students from an American University or College. I wasn't even told what was going on by the supervisors, it was a real pleasant surprise for an introvert.  

I felt like a rare specimen that's being poked around by a bunch of extremely uninterested scientist.  By poked I meant by getting attacked by the teacher-in-charge.

Oh she was a great teacher, pushing her own students morale up by crushing another. Bitch.

Well it wasn't really that bad, she was OBVIOUSLY joking around, that's why her students were laughing along, staring at my direction and pointing at my face, coming up to me and taking a picture with me and having the teacher-in-charge fake strangle me. 

Hearing A Foreign Chinese student speak with an American accent is as weird as an American Person speak with a Chinese Accent, unless that American is Meryl Streep. 

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