Monday 23 August 2021

Weekend Work

The weekend is over and I have spend both those days at my company's Warehouse Sales Event. 

I was already informed of the event on my first day of work, and I really wasn't expecting it to be a whole day standing affair but it was. I was in charge of the rugs section for both days and it was not very fun. 

Unlike the other furniture that were on Sales, the rugs were all rolled up, and they are packed pretty much next to each other, either rolled up or laid out flat on the ground on top of each other, and on each rug, there is a price tag that is attached onto it with cloth tape.

I was assigned 4 workers to help me out at the station and their job is essentially to just roll out the carpets when the customer wants to see the full piece and then roll them back when they are done. My boss told me not to touch the carpet because he didn't want me to potentially injure myself, so I didn't and just instructed the workers as and when the customers wanted to see the rugs.

As I have stated previously, the rugs are either rolled up next to each other or laid out on top of one another, that means when 1 customer wants to see the rug they have shortlisted rolled out, it will end up get laid on top of other rugs, and because this is a Warehouse Sales, the traffic is very heavy and the first hour into the Event, my station essentially bottlenecked, everyone wanted to see a dozen different rugs rolled out and it's really hard multitasking because I will have a group of customers that will be asking me a dozen different questions about the rugs whilst another group will be signaling for me, asking for help to get the rugs they want to see roll out. My workers were also overloaded with all the manual labour and because the price tags were only taped to the rugs, a lot of them ended up falling off during the unfurl and re-furling of the many rugs there.

I had to get my boss over multiple times to confirm if the price tags were attached to the right rugs because the rugs cost between $250 to $10,000, if I mess up the pricing and put the $250 price tag on the $10,000 rug, I am going to be royally screwed.

The good thing is that most of the customers were actually friendly and decent people, they thanked us when we roll the rugs out for them, and will feel bad and apologize when they don't think the rugs suit their house, but with the good also comes the bad, and there really wasn't a lot of bad to be honest. 

One lady was asking me what material the rugs were made of, I had no idea, there was no indication on the price tag or on the rug itself, so I apologized and told her I wasn't sure, and that no one was sure as well because these are rugs that have been in the warehouse for a very long time, it's very unlikely anyone would have any record of the material, this hag then actually puts one hand up to her face...

Like this!

....and then just walked away with this look of annoyance, like I have just wasted her time. 

Fuck you very much too!

Aside from that hag who made me "Talk to the hand", I had another this evening who came to the section with her daughter, had this very entitled attitude about her, did not bother asking my guys nicely to unroll the rugs for her to see, and when she was done with the rugs, doesn't even bother thanking them for rolling it out for her. Most, if not all the customer would at least say a word of thanks, some would even apologize, but this entitled lady just goes...

"Don't want."

... and at one point, she pointed out 3 rugs and said she wanted to see all 3 rugs rolled out. I was actually busy serving another customer, but then my workers start calling me over because they couldn't answer her questions and she started asking me about the measurement, I was clearly busy serving another customer and when I made eye contact with her, it's like she doesn't even feel bad that she had interrupted my conversation with the other customer. She then ask me about the measurement that is LITERALLY written on the price tag.

She wants to know what the measurement is in centimeters because everything was written in inches and in my head, I was just thinking...

"I'm fucking busy, you can clearly Google the measurements yourself in less than 10 seconds! Why the fuck are you not?"

... I was really quite annoyed and I think she could see it in my eyes when I took the tag from my guys, calculated it for her and gave her the measurements in a not so friendly tone. She then tells me the rug is a little too big while smiling at me, and tells me she doesn't have to see the other 2 anymore because it seems like they are too big for her.

All I needed was some gratitude, so I immediately lighten up, but her friendliness only lasted for maybe 30 seconds and she was soon back to her entitled attitude. The daughter was friendly though, nothing like her Mum. Thankfully they were done with the rugs soon after and headed to the lighting section to terrorize consult my colleague.

Aside from that though, the Event itself was not too bad, it just felt like doing Guard Duty back in the army because I am just standing around for hours on end, except instead of holding a rifle and wearing a vest, I am entertaining customers in an air-con hall whilst staring at a bunch of rugs. There will be another 2 more days next weekend, so I am not looking forward to it.

The funny thing is when I am working on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at my new company, I don't feel stressed out, but when I am off on Friday and have to deal with the renovation projects, I actually feel fucking stressed out. I really hope my project will be more and less settled by this week, so I can actually be able to have a proper day off.

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