Monday 16 August 2021

Back and Forth, Back and Forth

 Today was a busy day as well.

Headed to site A in the morning to settle some ceiling stuff, got that settled pretty quickly and on my way out of the apartment, I ran into my client, we had a chat and I made my way over the McDonalds to have my breakfast at about 10.30am. 

I was suppose to meet my clients from Site B at 2pm later that day on site to run through a the remaining job scope as well as to share with them my resignation with my current company, but as I was consuming  my McGriddles, my clients requested if we could meet at 3pm instead because they had something on, so I acceded to their request. I really didn't like sitting at home to wait, so I decided to just drop by the Showroom since it was close to Site B.

I reach the Showroom at 11.45am or thereabouts and saw a new guy had joined the company, my colleague then told me he was going to be my replacement, so I laughed and greeted the new guy, but didn't really bother striking a conversation with him because I didn't really see the point to be honest. I headed to the back of the Showroom and started chatting with my other colleagues, then at about 12.30pm, my client from Site B suddenly sends me a text that reads...

"Hi Tim, able to call you now?"

... and that scared the shit out of me because whenever a client request to call instead of sending a text message, it usually means it's something really bad that they would rather discuss over the phone. 

I kept thinking they must have reached the place early and spotted all the mistakes I had spotted during the installation, and that they were going to call me to get me to replace those items. I told them I was available because I wanted to quickly get this call over and done with, so the wife calls me a minute later and she goes...

"Hi Tim, are you at the Showroom now? Are you in the middle of a meeting with any clients?"

... and I was a little confused because if she wanted to complaint about something with the renovation, she wouldn't be asking me all this, and then I quickly learn that she got a delivery scheduled but neither her nor her husband could be there to receive the item, so she was hoping I could go receive it for them.  I ask her what time the item was going to arrive and she goes...

"They tell me they are there now."

... I don't drive, so I was really shocked and then told her to tell her delivery guys to wait 15 minutes for me, I will rush over. She then explains that they didn't give her any warning beforehand and was generally very apologetic about it, I told her it was fine since I was nearby and I headed out, I didn't want to bring my bag along because it was probably going to be 30 minutes top to get there and receive the item, if I waited for them there after receiving the item, I will essentially have to wait for almost 2 hours before they arrive, I would rather receive the item and then go back to the Showroom to wait if that is the case, at least there is Aircon and Colleagues I can talk to. 

So I headed out right as the bus is about to arrive, and when the bus finally arrives and as I am about to board it, I realize I left the apartment access card in my bloody bag, so I rush back to get the card, and by the time I came back out, the next bus would take another 10 minutes to arrive. It takes me about 10 minutes to walk to the Site,  and it will be much faster than waiting for the bus, so I decided to walk since the delivery guys were already waiting.

I was essentially speed walking up the hill to get to the place, and just as I was at the top and the Condo was in sight, I suddenly get a call from the husband and he goes...

"The delivery guys told me they can't wait anymore, I hope you are not anywhere near our place yet."

... and in my head, I am thinking, how the hell would I not be anywhere near your place? It has been 15 minutes since your wife called me, I told her I will reach in 15 minutes, clearly I am either already there or very very near the place already. So I went...

"Ermmm, I am actually really close."

... and he immediately started apologizing to me, then informs me that the delivery will come back later between 2pm to 2.30pm. I was tired, I was sweaty, I was very annoyed because I was planning to wait in the Showroom until 2.45pm before I drop by site B again, but now that the delivery guys are planning to return at that timing, I can't do that because the timing is so bloody awkward. 

I knew the husband was feeling really horrible about it already and it really is out of his control because the delivery guy didn't call in advance to inform them that they will reach soon, so I told him it was fine, that I will just come back later.

It was about 12.45pm when I got the call from the husband.


Since I was already there though, I decided to just go up to the apartment and linger for a while, I then started cleaning the place for a while and was contemplating to just wait until the the delivery arrives, and after that, wait until my clients arrive, but time was passing way too slowly up there, so about maybe 20 minutes later, I decided to walk back to my Showroom, and got back at about 1.20pm.

When I returned back to the Showroom, I started ranting to my colleagues about the epic waste of time I just had to go through, they all felt bad for me, so I sat down and we just started chatting again for a bit, not even 10 minutes later, I get a call and the guy on line goes...

" Hi, I am the delivery person, I am on my way over now, will reach in another 15 minutes!"

... I was so bloody frustrated, I then told the delivery guy I literally just left the apartment not too long ago, and when he ask me if I can be there in 15 minutes, I just grumbled in agreement and then put the phone down. He calls me again like 5 minutes later to double confirm because I clearly was too annoyed to speak clearly, so I told him to give me 15 minutes and I will go back again.

I didn't even have time to cool down from the walk back and now I have to walk there again! I was sweaty, I could smell how bad I smelled, it was horrible.  When I finally reach the apartment at 1.45pm, there the delivery guys were, the in-charge then told me my timing was impeccable because they also arrived not too long ago. He was very friendly so I became less annoyed after that and opened the door for them, they then took 10 minutes to set the fridge up and the in-charge started chatting with me, telling me how my tiler did a fantastic job, and then talked about his own renovation that will be happening soon, really friendly guy, I followed him down to the first level, and he left right after I sign the delivery confirmation form for them. I didn't feel so shitty afterwards because even though I was made to run laps, at least the delivery guy was a nice chap.

So everything related to that delivery was completed at 2pm. I really didn't want to go back to the Showroom anymore because I would effectively only be spending maybe half an hour there, so it felt a bit pointless to go back and decided to just wait in the apartment. 

I did more cleaning, admired the completed carpentry, turned on the lights to admire the 80% completed space, and then at 2.45pm, another delivery came, I had not been informed about it at all, so they came unannounced and I texted my clients and told them another delivery had arrived, the husband then replies that they themselves have just reached and it just felt like the day is beginning to move again. 

But damn, that was such a huge waste of my time and energy.

We sat down, we chatted about the remaining works left to be done, and I broke the news to them that I was going to be leaving my current company by the end of the week. I also assured them that I will continue managing their project until the end and they took it very well, congratulated me for finding a new job and it was nice. They also ordered delivery and got me a cup of Bubble Tea and after that was done, I made my leave.

It felt like everything ended nicely at the end of the day, but then about an hour ago, at about 5.30pm, the wife texted me and brings up an issue she had with the carpentry, an issue that I didn't notice because it really isn't an issue that stemmed from my mistake or my carpenter's mistake, but just something both her and her husband failed to notice during the initial carpentry discussion, which was the placement of their oven. She ask me if the placement was discussed previously because she can't remember, I send her a picture of the drawing I did for them to see during the discussion phase and it was fabricated according to the drawing, no reply after that.

3 hours later, the husband text back and ask if I can get the carpenter to reposition the oven. 

I said No. I just find it really odd how they think this is some sort of LEGO set where you can just alter the cabinet as and when you like. You can't do that! I told the husband that if he wants to reposition it, we will have to redo the entire carpentry again and it will cost them this time round because it wasn't a miscommunication like the last fuck up. Maybe my carpenter can do some sort of alterations on site, but I really do not want to deal with that, I am starting my new job on Thursday, the last thing I need is more shit to deal with from my current job.

Anyways, there wasn't any follow up from them after that anymore, I really really hope they are slowly coming to terms with the position and I don't end up getting some text from them tomorrow asking for me to get the carpentry refabricated. 

Please let me start work at my new company in peace! 

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