Thursday 4 March 2021

Seventh Cycle - Day 3 & 4 (Update on Life)

I was just home the whole of the 3rd day and 4th day, if there is anything I am grateful about my reservist, it's the fact that I am not required to report to camp daily.

Took the time during this past 2 days to apply for more job openings and I actually saw the company I had interviewed for post a new listing, this time they updated the job title and changed it to Project Manager instead of Interior Designer, which is what it should have been advertised as from the beginning, I think they probably got a bunch of shortlisted candidates questioning the job scope as well, that's why they decided to change the job title.  If there is no "design work", then the job title should not be Interior Designer, simple as that.

I also realize recently that the HDB Position I have applied for is not what I thought it was.

The job title for that position is Planning Executive, and the job scope they wrote down was quite vague, so I figured it was one of those type that I can learn on the job and slowly get a hang off, but then URA also posted a similar position and it turns out you actually need an Architecture, Building or Civil Engineering background as well as 5 years relevant experience. HDB could have listed down those requirements in their ad, but they didn't, and now I feel like an idiot for having been waiting for their response for the past few weeks.

Anyways, job hunting aside, I will be reporting back to camp tomorrow morning at 5.45am, not looking forward to the fucked up sleep schedule I will have to be doing tonight. I also decided to leave my load bearing vest in camp as well and yesterday, someone from our ICT chat said that they couldn't find his own because he has misplaced it in his house, so now I am very worried that that guy has borrowed mine without asking and used it for his 6 hour sentry duty, I am hoping he was not inconsiderate enough to just use it without asking because it's gross, I don't need someone else to be sweating in my vest for 6 fucking hours and adding thier own stench to it, it already stinks enough as it is. 

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