Saturday 6 March 2021

Seventh Cycle =- 5th Day (?)

Turns out waking up at 3.30am wasn't really so much an issue for me, it is actually quite nice waking up at a timing when everyone else is asleep. I had a decent amount of sleep, so I didn't feel too lethargic, made a cup of coffee and toast, then watched Youtube videos until about 5am before I booked a Grab and headed for camp.

I reach camp at about 5.40am, and the Grab ride came up to a total of $27. 

The main gates were still closed at that timing, so I had to shout into the camp to get the attention of the active soldiers who were on duty that were busy talking to each other probably like 20 meters away from the gate, it was a little frustrating I had to shout multiple times to finally get their attention to open the gate for me.

After I finally got in, I immediately went to check my Load Bearing Vest and sure enough, someone actually touched it, I know this because I had originally taped the vest with my name on it and the tape was gone, so turns down the guy who misplaced his own LBV was actually inconsiderate enough to just use mine without asking. Thankfully it didn't stink but the fact that he wore it for 6 hours in the afternoon heat and probably sweated in it is gross. 

Anyways, after that realization, it wasn't long before I prepared for my duty, which started without too much hiccup. I was paired with another active solider and at the start, we were having a bit of a conversation going, but then more cars started coming in and I notice he was walking back and forth constantly to open the main gate and then back again to check their credentials before lifting the car barrier for them to enter, it was 20 meters to the main gate, and then 20 meters back to the car barrier, back and forth, back and forth, insanely inefficient, so I brought up how troublesome it must be for him to constantly do that, to which he then suggested that I could help him with the main gate so he can stay at the car barrier area to do his credential checks.

I did, and decided to station myself there for about 80% of my duty because there was a tiny guardhouse there I could just sit in and entertain myself with my phone. The weather was really warm though, the sun was already being a cunt at 8am, shining into the guard house and just heating up the entire small space, I could hardly sit down because if I did, the sun would shine directly at my face so my face pretty much glistening with oil the entirety of the duty.

The duty itself wasn't as relaxing as I was hoping it would be just because there were cars that were entering and leaving so often throughout the morning, so I found myself leaving the guardhouse quite often to open the gate for the vehicles. 

The poor active soldier didn't have his phone with him during the duty, so when there weren't any vehicles and he had nothing to do, he literally had nothing to do, he couldn't surf the net to kill time on his phone, all he could do was sit down and just fiddle around with whatever is lying around the place. I was contemplating to go back and entertain him by talking to him, but then decided against it because it was a little troublesome for me to be constantly moving back and forth for the 6 hours, also because I don't think I have enough energy to talk to him for 6 hours, which is why I only went to him at around 11am when we were left with 1 hour. 

So we chatted for the last hour, talking about animes and mangas because that is the common topic we had, and not long after, my replacement took over me. I went to return my rifle, packed my LBV to be brought home with me because I am not letting that fucker use it anymore and within 15 minutes, was out of the camp and in the Grab on my way home.

I actually manage to get a Grab within 5 minutes this time round, which was surprisingly quick, it was a nice old man and as I was trying to get into the backseat, he suddenly ask me if I wanted to sit in front, I really don't like sitting in front because it means having to talk to the driver, but he suggested so I did, and when I actually went to the front, he said...

"Oh, I thought you wanted to sit in front because of your bag?"

...  not really sure what he meant, but I ended up sitting in front because it felt odd to suddenly go out and then move to the back seat again. Thankfully, he was a friendly old man, so we had a few fleeting conversations back and forth.

During the car ride, I also decided to record how far the camp is from the main road, this was recorded outside the camp, so I am not breaking any rules.

But this is how ridiculously far the trip is.

Sigh, to think I was actually thinking about walking to the main road a few days back at night because it was taking forever for someone to accept my Grab request. 

The trip back was another $27, so I have spend a total of $54 just on Grab fare, I predict I will be spending about $200 in total for the entirety of the reservist just trying to go to camp and back home. 

I also realized I left my Stephen Colbert Tumblr in camp, so fuck my life. 

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