Monday 8 March 2021

Seventh Cycle - 7th Day (?)

Today's reporting time for me was in the late afternoon, so I decided that taking a taxi wouldn't be necessary. I have already spend so much taking Grab rides, being able to have the time to actually just use the bus and train is something I would very much prefer doing.

My plan was originally to go to Simei, have a heavy breakfast and then take a Grab from there because getting a Grab is inevitable, but then I kinda contemplated for a little and decided instead of actually eating at Simei, I will instead buy a sandwich from 7-11 and bring it to camp a little earlier to eat, that way, I don't have to worry about taking too much time to actually eat and potentially reaching camp late.

As I was boarding the bus to head out, Steven then texted in the group chat asking if anyone needed a ride, I immediately took up the offer and I was so thankful because the Grab ride  where I was planning to take from would have cost me $13. 

I headed to where Steven was, which was still somewhere in the east so there was still quite a bit of travelling involved for me, and managed to get a ride to the camp from him. Got my sandwich from Cheers before that and reach the camp 30 minutes before duty was due to start, I wolfed down the sandwich, not very nice but as long as I was full, drew my rifle and then started my duty.

Time felt like it pass by relatively quickly, I texted my friend who got separated from me and is now at the main camp how his duty is like, and it sucked so much for him, it was the realization of how shitty his duty was that made me realize once again that this was a blessing in disguise because I was having it much easier than him. Whoever the commander was that did the planning for their schedule was one lazy motherfucker, doesn't bother to make sure the duty is fairly distributed, I assume what the commander did was just fill the names into the empty slots and then ask the ICT personnel to settle it amongst themselves, my friend got the short end of the stick essentially.

Anyways, my duty went relatively well, had some nice conversations with the active soldiers who were doing with me, only bad side was because there was an exercise happening towards the end of my duty, there was a delay and I wasn't able to leave the camp until 30 minutes later. The great thing is Steven was there as well, so I ended up hitching a ride from him, which saved me another $27!

Overall, today was a decent duty day. I have 2 more days worth of duty to do and after that, this cycle will be over and I will have to return back to work, not so sure how I feel about work now because things aren't looking great! HDB finally got back to me via email this afternoon and told me I was not a suitable candidate for the job, after so many months, but I appreciate the fact that they actually bother to update me, and I know I wasn't right for the job already so no surprise there. Now I am hoping the other companies I have recently applied for will get back to me soon for an interview because I am starting to feel really stressed out about my income coming to a standstill.

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