Tuesday 29 December 2020

ID Firm Update Again

So I went to the dentist to get my molar crowned today and the original $850 price tag went up to $1350 because the dentist managed to convince me that getting a Zirconium crown would be better than getting an amalgam one.

I would choose to pay more for a sturdier crown than pay less now and then suffer the consequences later, so it is an extra $500 that needs to be spend, but it is so painful for my wallet to shell out so much money.

I don't earn enough to be able to afford this and I still have $3000 to pay for my insurance at the end of the month, so fuck my life, the pinch is fucking real. I am only earning an average of $1000 per month, and it has been a year since I got my last commission. I am trying to tabulate all my projects and close them together, so I can get a huge cheque which I was planning to get by the end of the year, but then a few sites had delays with some of their built in items, so that has affected my plans to roll around in moolah and that would actually also mean I actually earned $0 for the year of 2020, aside from the army reservist pay and a few little commissions here and there from my suppliers. 

Speaking of jobs, I have applied for 2 new openings with 2 different companies, one is an ID firm and the other is a Gov agency, I am not really sure my chances of getting hired by both are that high, but I will see how it goes. The ID Firm that I applied for is actually the ID Firm that I thought I had been interviewed for previously because the names are quite similar and speaking of that ID Firm I interviewed for, well, the boss called me up again this evening.

This time I knew I was no longer interested in the position, so I expressed my disinterest and we were able to end things a properly this time round, but he was really persistent to meet me again to discuss further and I had to tell him that I really wasn't interested to do sales anymore. He was really nice about it, but then he started telling me if I didn't want to do interior sales, he had other options available which included being a Realtor or Financial Advisor because he also dabbles in those, he then list a bunch of other companies he has and asked me if any of those piqued my interest...

... I honestly appreciate his gesture, but it was so odd because none of the jobs he was offering me were related to what I was looking for. 

It's like me going to KOI to get a cup of bubble tea, get torn about which flavor to get, and then have the cashier tell me that if I can't decide which flavor to get, that they also have a sneaker shop nearby where I can buy a new pair of shoe.

I told him I will think about it, thanked him for his time and I think this is the last time we will speak to each other again. Or he might call me again a few weeks later to check on me, who knows, it's weird.

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