Saturday 8 August 2020

Low EQ

My new project will officially be starting next week and I don't know how mentally ready I am to go back into project management mode.

Ever since construction work could start again, the only projects I have been touching are the ones that are either already done and only needed minor touching up, or the project that I am helping my friend run. My friend is pretty chill with the renovation, so it has been extremely smooth sailing for me, for her it was a bit of a bitch because the pandemic delayed her project, which could have been completed within 4 weeks, for 3 months, luckily it is done and I assume she is generally quite satisfied with the renovation so thumbs up there.

Anyways, I have also been getting a steady stream of not so great leads lately, nothing new there, most of them clients do not have the habit of responding to messages, which is a bit annoying, I mean you are the one who requested for interior designers to reach out to you, at least have the decency to respond to our messages even if you are not interested. 

Ros has also responded and I really can't be bothered to be very friendly in the messages, she took a bloody long time to respond initially, the first exchange after my last chat with her about sending me her requirements, took her 2 days to reply and after I respond to that, she took another 3 days to follow up and she actually messaged me at 11.30pm out of the blue for that, which annoyed me, so I ended up muting her conversation for 8 hours because I did not want to deal with her buzzing my phone up. 

I guess if it was another customer I wouldn't so so annoyed, but because she was so inconsiderate during our first exchange, like not replying to my initial message to confirm the appointment and then bailing on our meeting last minute, I was and am a little more touchy with her, especially because I also don't really sense any sort of gratitude from her end during our exchanges, there isn't any thanks in the messages, she doesn't start new conversations with "Hi Tim", just always go straight to her request, it is little things like this that really makes the difference, so my impression of her isn't great, it always feels like she is giving me an order when I am talking to her.

I have since prepared a quote and send it to her, even drop her a text message to let her know I have emailed it to her and she doesn't bother to drop a simple "Thanks", she reads the message because I see it get blue ticked, and then a few hours later sends me a message asking me to resend the quote to the exact same email I had just send to hours prior, once again, no word of thanks, and when I have send it over and inform her via text, doesn't bother to respond.  No fucking clue why she requested for it to be resend unless she deleted it by accident, but even if she did, she should have been able to retrieve if from the bin so my guess is she probably got a few quotes from a few Interior Designers, saw mine, didn't want to bother with me and deleted it permanently, realize she should have kept mine so she can compare the prices, and then requested for a resend.

I highly doubt she will reach out again because I did charge her a bit higher than normal, like I would with clients I do not like, I was talking to my colleague about her and he just told me that people like Ros just have really low EQ, I personally think she is just an ingrate.

Speaking of things that are disgusting.

Whilst on 9Gag last night, I came across a post that had a list of numbers and next to those numbers were description that went....



"Burn in Hell, should not exist."

... I kinda had a feeling I knew what those numbers represent, so I went to the comment section and saw someone lisitng down one particular number and wrote...

" *number* wasn't so bad, it isn't fapping material but I thought the story was really good and shows the dark side of human nature"

... so I copied the number down out of sheer curiosity, open an incognito tab on my phone and slap those numbers in with the word hentai at the end. I mean I knew it was either hentai or Japanese porn, but what I had failed to realize was that that particular number in the original post had the words "Burn in Hell, should not exist" written beside it and when I actually ended up on the website, which popped up as the very first result on Google, I wished I had skipped that bloody post on 9 Gag.

I wrote the entire plot in this post but decided to delete it because it is fucking sick. The fact that someone could actually think of it as a plot line really shows how fucked up that person actually is, like it is actually so fucking disturbing I do not feel comfortable writing down the synopsis in this blog. 

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