Monday 10 August 2020

New Project, New Pimples

I have been enjoying a relatively acne free face for the past 3 months, but it seems like that has come to an end because right now, there are quite a few popping up and I am not sure if it is because of the mask I have been wearing or just the stress that is coming from the start of a new project.

It feels like it has been such a long time since I did any project management and I am honestly really worried about how smooth the renovation will be, my clients for that new project lives only a few minutes away from their new apartment, so I might be getting a lot of text messages in the evenings when they actually do drop by to check up on the progress every now and then, and because I am not staying even remotely close to the project site, I might not drop by as often as I would like to.

I was suppose to drop by the site last Thursday to stick a few renovation permits, but the afternoon heat was way too much to handle and the one hour journey required to reach there from home was such a turn off that I kept on procrastinating until I finally went down on Saturday and it was mainly because I had to go to the office that day anyway so might as well take that detour.

The permits were pasted, spoke to a few neighbors as well to give them a bit of heads up and headed back to the office at around 12 noon, which was surprisingly early because I was expecting to reach the office much later.

Now my concern is whether or not my sub-con actually remembers that I have scheduled work with him for this Wednesday, I booked a slot with him about half a month back, so it has been a while and I am not sure if he actually puts the date down in his calendar or not or he just relies on memory, I did drop him a text to confirm a few days back but he hasn't responded, so I will probably text him again tomorrow just to double confirm.

My client also texted me earlier today telling me they wanted to open their "Electrical and Water Account", but deleted the message like less than a minute later, I was busy doing a No.2 in the toiler so I only manage to read the message through the notification bar before it updated itself and became "this message was deleted"

For the renovation to actually proceed, we will need electricity and of course water when the tiling comes in, so it is a bit disconcerting that the wife is telling me they are planning to open their "Electrical and Water Account" 2 days before the renovation is suppose to start. You really shouldn't be telling me that you are planning to open an account, it should have been done much earlier to ensure that there is water and electricity before the renovation starts.

This is just one of those things that I would have never thought would be necessary to inform a client before the start of the renovation because it should be common sense, it's like that time when I had to deal with my other client Emily who thought the carpentry renovation works I was going to do for her was going to be a quick and quiet affair , but upon realizing it was going to a renovation level installation, got angry, actually stopped my guys from working and then blame me for not telling her it was going to be a renovation, the level of common sense that she was lacking has not been beaten by any of my other clients I have worked with so far ,yet, and I am hoping it stays that way.

But with the current client, the fact that the message was deleted so quickly means that I was never really meant to read it, so I am going to assume that they got it settled already and when my guy goes up on Wendesday, I won't be having any issues with the electricity and water.

Fingers crossed everything goes well.

My last project that I did for my friend went super smoothly, so I am super worried that this one might not and might end up becoming a Sly Fox and Antoinette level kind of bothersome as the universe's way of balancing things out, fuck, I have become so superstitious after I stared working in this industry.

Please, I do not want to give this couple a nickname for the blog.

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