Wednesday 10 October 2018

Entitled Fuck.

So that potential customer of mine that I had blogged about previously, the mountain and lake theme dude, well, I decided to prepare a quotation for him and responded to a bunch of his queries he had send to me.

He texted me earlier today at around 5.00 pm, asking me if the quotation was ready and I just didn't bother to reply him because I didn't like him so I just didn't feel obligated to, I had already emailed him the quotation like days before, so maybe check your email buddy?

Well, at about 10.00 pm, he texted back telling me has seen my email and thanked me for it.

After looking through the quotation, I guess he wasn't very please with what I had given him, because he just send me a text at 1.30 am  that reads :

"Your quotation is very disappointing with zero design elements. I might as well IKEA the living room and master bedroom and engage my own..."

.. it cuts halfway because I don't want to open my Whatsapp and blue tick the message. I thought maybe that was it, I thought he will consolidated all his disappointment into one text message and that would be that, well I thought wrong, because not even five minutes later, he sends another text that reads...

" Your email is more befitting a carpentry or construction shop than an ID firm."

... and then another text a minute later that reads...

"Budget aside, I was expecting a holistic solution to some of the requirements and problems highlighted in my doc but none was offered. I saw an image creative photo that I think would work..."

... cuts off again because I didn't want to open the message and blue tick the message.

And then he ends it with a final message, I hope it is the final one at least because it's almost 2 am now for fuck sake, which simply went....



I wrote in the fucking email I send to him that if he wanted to see any design, we can meet in person to discuss and I can show him the space planning I have prepared for him as well. All he will get through the email is a non-obligatory quotation, that was it, and he has the audacity to be disappointed in me?


This is what pisses me off about customers like this, that fucking entitlement, just because you managed to find a few pictures off Google Image, no way he found it of Pinterest because his pictures were pretty shit, and prepared a document listing out your requirements, am I supposed to be impressed and put in the same amount of "effort" that you did?

Your "effort" doesn't pay my bills, you know what pays the bills? Money! And I don't see you forking out a single cent.

This fucker bought a pea sized condo and requested to have a shit load of items stuffed into the space, I told him in the email that it was not going to be possible to have all his request fulfilled because there is no fucking space, and he tells me I didn't offer him any holistic solution, well here is a solution :


... and it's hilarious how he tells me the quotation is disappointing with zero design elements, what the fuck do you want me to add to the quotation? Diamonds? A picture of a cat?  Or do you want me to cut it out into the shape of Mountains and Lakes and then mail it to you by post and then request for the postman to sing River Deep, Mountain High while you are signing for the document?

But just to go into detail about his message...

"I might as well IKEA the living room and mater bedroom"

... please go ahead, IKEA will be interested in your business because I am NOT.

"Your email is more befitting a carpentry or construction shop than an ID firm."

... and what you are paying me right now is more befitting of a free quotation than a full design proposal.

"Budget aside, I was expecting a holistic solution to some of the requirements and problems highlighted in my doc but none was offered. I saw -another ID firm's- photo that I think would work..."

... Fucker writes "budget aside", but in the email he send to me, he was all..

"budget cannot be increased unless there are really really good reasons" buying a bigger apartment a good enough reason?

FUCK! Getting pissed off at 2.00 am is going to make it very difficult for me to fall asleep, and I am already feeling unwell with a fucking headache and body aches. Ruining my Thursday before the the Sun has even risen.

I will definitely have to eat shit tomorrow and drop him a text that goes along the line of...

"So sorry you found the quotation unsatisfactory...."

... blah blah blah, I don't really give a shit, but he sounds like the kind of fuck who would go to online forums and share about his horrible experience with other people and then equally clueless individuals will agree with him and they start stroking each other's cock and then ejaculate this giant stream of entitlement on each other's face.


* I just read the text and deleted the entire conversation because fuck that guy, even instastory the whole thing because I just wanted to express my frustration to a slighter larger audience *

He sounded as entitled in his text messages as he does in his email to me and it was seriously pissing me off so much I just had to vent it out on my Instagram, which I have never done before. I guess because I am planning to leave the industry soon, my tolerance level to this kind of bullshit is also starting to plummet.

Just to type out the full version of the 2 longer messages word for word.

"Your quotation is very disappointing with zero design elements. I might as well IKEA the living room and master bedroom and engage my own painting services with better quality paint at much less than your proposed 14k. I don't see any value add at all. Whats your response? Why should I want to visit your office just to see storage cabinet and a wardrobe? How does these two items beautify my condo or make it a better living space"

"Budget aside, I was expecting a holistic solution (to some requirements and problems highlighted in my doc) but none was offered. I saw an *Another Design Firm I shall bleep out* photo that I think would work in terms of bedding, storage and workplace for the tiny master bedroom but all you offer is only another wardrobe and I'm still left with all the questions and no answers. Cost aside, you mean your firm cannot even wallpaper anything?"

Oh, you don't see any Value Added Service? How about the fact that I will actually be coordinating the project for you while you are busy at work? Is that not Value Added Service enough? You stupid fuck?

After such a passive aggressive text, you actually think I still want to convince you to come to the showroom? Go and fuck yourself, I don't even want to entertain the idea of having to reply to your text message anymore, much less meet you in person at our showroom.

This stupid fuck thinks visiting an Interior Design firm is like going to a furniture shop to look at loose furniture. You are not coming to the office to see furniture you dumb fuck, the whole point of a homeowner visiting an Interior Design firm is to meet the interior designer and look at the different materials available for their carpentry customization. Do you go to McDonalds thinking you can meet Ronald McDonald? Maybe, but that's not the point!

"All you offer is another wardrobe"


And the wallpaper thing I just thought is hilarious because it really goes to show how tacky his design taste is, to actually want to literally wallpaper his master bedroom wall with a scenic picture of Mountains and Lakes.

I can't even find a photo of a room that actually did that online because all the wallpapers are actually photoshop on the walls, although to be fair, if the correct picture is chosen, it can look really good, but the picture he shared with me are hella ugly.

Oh, and there is another Value Added Service for you, I have better design taste than you so I could have persuaded you to not be a tacky fuck!

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