Wednesday 3 October 2018

Resumes send!

Lately, I have been feeling more and more distant from my company, and I will say that that is a good thing because it will make my eventual resignation from the company a lot easier.

I did not report back to my company for about 2 weeks after my 2 weeks reservist, so for an entire month, I did not step into the office at all and when I finally did, almost everyone was shocked at my sudden appearance because a lot of them thought I had already quit.

That month has also introduced a lot of new colleagues to the company, I haven't really spoken to any of them since my return to the office, so I barely know any of their names and they also don't give a shit about me. My old colleagues have seem to gotten pretty close to them, so now I am feeling a bit left out.

But then at the same time, it also feels a little pointless to actively attempt to try to get to know them when I am already sending out job resumes in hopes to leave the company by the end of the year, that is once I can get another company to hire me of course.

Recently, another colleague also left the company and her resignation has made me realize that I am not alone when it comes to experiencing the huge stress from managing multiple projects.

Let's call this colleague of mine Joe.

Joe has a pretty impressive sales record and I always assumed that those who are constantly signing new contracts just have a different way of dealing with stress.

It's like how some people hate durian and others love them, that was how I saw what stress to them was like. I absolutely abhor it, but I just assumed that they love the challenge, or was at least unfazed by the stress that came along with managing multiple projects at one go, because Joe was constantly getting new projects to run, despite having as much as 6 existing projects to deal with at one point.

Every once in a while, she would talk about how stressful it was, but it never in a distressful tone, so I never really knew if she was really stressful about it or just humble bragging about the number of projects she has. When I am feeling stressed out about a project, I blog about it, I vent to my manager and colleagues about it and then I stop getting any new projects temporarily until the current one that is giving me all the headache is settled, but with Joe, she just kept going on and on and on until one day, she finally just stopped.

I am not particularly close to her, so I didn't directly ask her what was happening, but my colleagues who were close to her shared with me what happened and it was really quite shocking when I learned that she was actually experiencing hair loss because of the amount of stress she was under. When she went back to her hometown for the first time, it was to seek treatment, so she did return about 2 months later and she started wearing wigs to cover up her bald spot on her head, she decided that she was not going to run any projects, so she handed the ones she had on hand to a few of my colleagues and she would split the profit margin with them equally. For the  few weeks after she returned, I would see her in the office occasionally, just chatting and not really doing much work, I always assumed she will return to working as per normal soon but then all of a sudden, she got kicked out of the company group chat and then was when I realize she has finally officially left the company.

I honestly always thought she was doing fine, from the outside, she looked to be doing really really well as a Sales Designer, and a small part of me would always be a little envious when she would exclaim...

"I am making about $4000 per month if I calculate all the projects I have signed so far."

.... but in reality, she was actually under an immense amount of pressure and I just have to really give her props for sticking it out for as long as she did. I don't have the same financial burdens as her, so I can afford to be picky with my customers, but if I were in her shoes and had rent to pay every month, on top of my other financial commitments,  I would have left the job a long time ago and just looked for a stable and possibly less stressful one.

Recently, my company has started to give me leads again and the first one that I got my hands on, I did not even bother to follow up because all she wrote in her email was...

"I am looking for a quotation, I have about 20 sets of drawings for the carpentry, can I email it to you?"

.... clearly only looking for a quotation, so I just fuck all and didn't bother with her. What her email really meant was....

"I am ONLY looking for a quotation, I already have a designer I want to engage and the designer has already prepared the drawings for me, but I just need a second opinion from another designer to make sure the pricing is alright. I will NOT BE engaging your services after the free non-obligatory quote."

...get the fuck out of here. Fucking hate this freeloader types, huge waste of time and effort.

The second one that I got, I reached out to him trying to set up an appointment, and he told me that he was busy so it was not going to be possible, but then asked me if it was okay for him to drop me an email with all the requirements instead, so I agreed to it and he sends a copy of the floorplan over, some pictures of the place as well as a list of requirements he had and the tone he was using in the bloody requirement list was really fucking entitled.

Here's the deal, if you are going to an Interior Designer for a free consultation session, don't use the phrase....

 " I expect you to..." 

 ... because who the fuck are you to expect anything from me? You are not paying me anything to be allowed any sort of expectations from me.

His requirements were along the lines of...

"Our space is small, so we expect you to come up with a smart way to plan the layout."

"My wife and I don't like the following designs, so we expect you to stick to the theme we have chosen."

"My wife is adamant on putting a king size bed in the master bedroom, so we will not be downgrading. In the Masterbedroom, I want to add another wardrobe and a study table that is big enough to put 2 laptops."

... and it was not only entitled, it was also fucking ignorant. 

The apartment they have gotten is an Executive Condominium, it is really really small, and based on my past experiences, the master bedroom is going to be a really tight space, even with no additional carpentry, squeezing a king size bed in would already be pushing it, but now, he wants an additional wardrobe as well as a study table, I don't know what the fuck he has been smoking but you can't be that fucking ignorant to not realize that THE ROOM IS TOO FUCKING SMALL TO SQUEEZE ALL THAT SHIT IN! What the fuck does he want his room to end up like? A warehouse storage unit with everything squeeze tightly into place like a fucking tetris puzzle?

I really can't deal with this level of entitlement and ignorant. I was so irritated when I was reading through the requirements and they also have the dumbest fucking theme in mind, the husband writes in the requirements...

"I want a beach resort feel but my wife doesn't want that theme in the master bedroom, so she is looking at Mountain and Lake theme."


That's like walking into a cake shop and asking the baker for a Uranus flavoured cake.

Fucking mountain and lake theme, what the fuck, and he actually managed to find a few pictures online as reference for me, but they were literally pictures like these...

...WOW, such helpful reference images, of a bunch of walls just covered in a wallpaper of Mountains and Lakes and some furniture on the foreground to let me know that it is actually an interior space.

Go look for a fucking wallpaper specialist if that is your idea of Mountain and Lake theme, it's so fucking stupid , I really do not like this kind of wallpapers because they just look really tacky and fake.

I don't even want to bother preparing the proposal for him, I tried but I am not feeling very motivated by that entitled tone of his.

Everytime a customer who buys an Executive Condo tells me they want to squeeze a shit load of furniture into their hamster sized house, I am very tempted to just tell them straight to their face...

"Then you should have gotten a bigger house!"

.... because a HDB flat would have been cheaper and a lot bigger!

Good news is I finally got a call up for an interview, so I won't be obligated to deal with him much sooner and bad news is I actually did get an email from another company I wanted to join asking me for my portfolio, but for some fucking reason, my my fucking gmail decided not to send me a notification alert to my phone, so I only saw it 5 days later. It alerts me when Pinterest has new pins that might interest me, or when my Foodpanda order has been received, but important shit like a potential job interview... ehhh, fuck it.

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