Thursday 18 October 2018

Complaint of the Entitled

Met Sly Fox for the very last time a few days back at my office to sign a few documents to finally officiate the end of the project and it was really nice to finally be done with it.

After sending him and his wife out, I receive a call from my HR...

"Do you remember the customer called "Entitled Fuck"."

... to which I told her I did, and then she continued with...

"He called just now to complain about you."

Can't say I didn't see this coming.

I had to explain to my HR what happened and she was pretty understanding about it because Entitled Fuck was requesting for things he wasn't entitled to. She then shared with me that EF requested for a senior designer to take over his project and the senior designer that will be taking over will be my own manager.

The guy's project is only worth $14k and he is requesting for a Senior Designer to take over, that's like walking into a restaurant, ordering only a side of fries and then requesting the Head Chef to personally prepare the fries for you.

Bitch, Know Your Place.

I recently also decided to get a new pair of earphones because my current one, which is the one that came in the box with my current phone, isn't very good, it's not loud enough and I would much prefer an in-ear one.

Went to Challenger with a budget of $40 in mind to get an Audio-Technica earphone because my last few Audio-Technicas served me quite well, but as I was looking through the Audio-Technica selections, I came across the brand Jays and I remembered a time when they were quite popular, it was like the go to brand for few of my bunk mates in the army, so I thought that should attest to something.

The Jays a-Jays Four original price was $77 or something but they had a promotion and it was only  $47, it sounded like a steal, so I decided to increase my budget a little and get them instead of the Audio-Technica.

Once I got home and tried them on, I instantly regretted my decision because they are the most uncomfortable earphones I have ever worn. The product designer who came up with the design should be fired because they are so fucking painful to wear, my tragus hurts after wearing them for 5 minutes and now I am back to using my old earphones.

What a waste of money, will just be sticking to Audio-Technica in the future.

Update from the Job Hunt

There are currently no updates from both interviews.

The reason why I am also not reaching out is because I am not 100% interested in both jobs, I don't dislike them, but I am also not really sure if I really want them that badly, so I'm not really fighting for it as much as I should. If I get it, I get it, if I don't, then I will start my hunt again ONCE I am officially done with all the projects I have on hand right now.

I think a huge reason why both companies are not reaching out to me is because of my notice period, I told them I needed one month but they were more interested in hiring someone who can start immediately. I really have to get my projects completed soon so I can actually give a shorter notice period for future interviews.

Speaking of projects I have on hand right now, the one that I recently got that I thought would run very smoothly met a few hiccups a few days ago, my carpenter messed up and now that project has to be delayed for another week.

This is the third project in a row my carpenter has managed to mess up for me. He was very willing to correct the issues for all of them because they are his fault, but this are problems that should not be happening at all.

That's like me going to a cake shop and requesting for a Chocolate Cake with Rainbow Sprinkles, but then be presented with a Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Sprinkles when I go collect it, it's the little details that he just completely misses out and as minor as the little details may be, they are super obvious cock ups that simply should not be happening, and it just amazes me that he has managed to cock up 3 times in a row after the consistently good work he has been doing for all my previous projects.

His efficiency has taken a dip and he has also started doing this thing that I REALLY hate my contractors do, which is to not reply to any of my messages. I will rush him for an answer, he will read the text, but then he doesn't respond to it, so I will have to call him up personally and there has been a few times he would tell me over the phone...

"I will update you  later in the evening."

.... but then doesn't update me at all, it's really frustrating because a few times I needed to know the answer soon so I can relay the information to my client and I just can't.

I'm glad I was able to work with him but I'm even happier than I will not be dealing with this kind of problem anymore very soon.

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