Monday 27 November 2017

va te faire foutre

I'm sure my carpenter will show up on Wednesday to speak to my clients.
I'm sure my tiler will show up on Wednesday to speak to my clients.
I'm not sure if my electrician will show up on Wednesday to speak to my clients.

I have decided to go to the extreme and get all the relevant contractors down to speak to my clients, and I have to admit, I kinda wish my contractors would actually scold my clients for me for their ridiculous standards.

My plan is for this project to be handed over by this week, remove my lock from their main gate, get them to sign the necessary paperwork, and then good fucking bye.

When I was arranging the time for my contractors to arrive, I didn't really consider how it would actually affect my client's work schedule because the timing I have scheduled for the contractors to come down together makes it impossible for my client to actually take half day leave, if my client wants to be present, which he will be because he was the one who requested for it, he is going to have to take the whole day off.

I really did not plan for it to be impossible for him to take a half day leave, it just happened. He asked if it was possible for me to reschedule the date, I told him the contractor's schedule will clash, so it was not possible, but that was a lie because I was too lazy to call all 3 of them again to reschedule. I would be lying if I said hearing how the timing would make it inconvenient for them didn't make me a little happy.

The pleasure I got from denying them their convenience.
Felt a little evil and extremely petty.

If it was me one month ago and they asked me if I could reschedule, I would be on the phone calling my contractors to reschedule, but the aggravation they have caused me over the cause of the entire renovation has made me numb to their needs, so screw their needs, now my convenience comes first.

I use the word convenience loosely because this project has been anything but convenient.

But from this project, I have come to learn that going the extra mile for my clients doesn't do me any favors, just give the minimum fucks required for them to not feel the need to complaint about me and that is enough.

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