Saturday 18 November 2017


I really hate running my third project, just absolutely abhor it.

My clients are a friendly couple and as I have said many times, I am grateful that they gave me a chance many months ago to run their project for them, but the project itself is just not worth the amount of trouble it has put me through.

I have slowly but surely grown to have great disdain towards the project and I honestly cannot wait for it to be over, I am not proud of the design because I think the colour choice my clients have selected is just not anywhere close to my design style at all, it is a very dull colour scheme it looks like inspiration for it was drawn from an interior design magazine in the 90s.

Looking at how the house is coming together, it looks like they didn't even bother hiring a interior designer for their project because there just isn't a single ounce of design in it, from the brown cabinets to the cream coloured casement doors, everything about the flat just feels very flat. Even when I was suggesting some colours for them to add to their boring colour scheme to try and spruce up the design a little, they somehow always settle for the wrong shade of blues and greens, picking the lighter tones instead of the darker ones.

The wife likes to do this thing where she will try to make someone else responsible for the design decisions, so if something goes wrong, like should I recommend a dark teal to her, she will say...

"You think this will work? I think it looks great also, but if it doesn't work, then it's your fault ah? Hahaha."

... that "hahaha" at the end is really just her way of trying to not come across as a nightmare of a client, it's like a "I'm just kidding, but not really" kind of "hahaha",  and the thing is, I know my colour suggestion will work because I have looked at reference images online and the colour combinations works really really well, but she has this way of just constantly making me second guess my design decisions, so I always end up letting them do the colour selections themselves instead, so as to prevent myself from getting blamed by her for coming up with a design that she doesn't like. The husband is fine so far, he knows what he doesn't want, but that is also a huge reason why the colour scheme looks so dull and dated, because a lot of colours I recommended in the beginning were turned down by him.

Had the wife decided to just go with my design decision and not second guess me, using dark teal for the accent wall would have made the house looked modern, add a few gold accented decorative accessories like picture frames and the place would have looked amazing, Pinterest ready.

Their house needed dark accent colours to really make the space pop, but they kept choosing pastel colours and I know as their designer, I should have said something, but after making a single design decision for them once, and then getting blamed by the wife for not running through the design decision with them, a blame that almost cost me $500, no thanks. If you are going to get me as your Interior Designer, but then start to question the design decisions I have made for you and create so much issue for me and my contractor, you're on your own.

I may be biased against the project though, because of how much stress and anxiety both the project and my client has put me through, I have nothing but horrible memories of it and I really do not want to create any more new memories from it. I would like it to be done very very soon and one day look back and be glad that I am no longer an active part of it.

The project is coming to a close, with a few electrical works left and some minor touching up that needs to be done. My electrician has once again failed to show up at the time and date I had arranged for him to come, so yeah, not going to be engaging in his services ever again in the future.


So I was planning to have a nice day out with my friend today to watch a movie, thinking since my clients have already visited the house yesterday, they probably won't drop by again today and start disturbing me with text messages of...

"Why is this like that?"

"Can you redo this part?"

"My friend's house doesn't look like this, why this wall not smooth?"

... it's irritating as fuck and it can completely ruin my day, like it did a month ago when they started flooding me with text messages on my day off and the very rare day I was actually meeting up a friend for a movie, just constantly asking me so many questions, giving me so many problems to the point I started losing my appetite.

Well, I just receive a text message from the wife, telling me she will be dropping by the flat today to look for defects. I guess I just have to accept the fact that I can't have any peaceful day until this project is finally done.

Gawd I fucking hate this project.

They have informed me that they have stick the stickers in the problem areas around the house, I will be dropping by tomorrow to see the severity of their perfectionism, have a very bad feeling that a lot of non-defects will be marked out as well, as usual, really such a huge pain to deal with.

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