Sunday 26 November 2017


So I actually met one of my old customers today, I have talked about them is this post before.

Well, a little update on what happened after I saw them at the Roadshow.

Turns out when they visited the Roadshow, the designers that they met were not really interested to run their projects for them, so they actually emailed me a few days later, asking me if they could come meet me at my Showroom. I told them that I would be happy to meet them.

I thought since they were looking for me again a second time, chances are they are interested to engage in my services, so I prepared a 3D for them and met them a few days later. They saw my 3D and I ran through the quotation with them, but for some reason, they were not interested, so they thanked me for my time and left. I really didn't bother to get in touch with them after that because I have already offered all I could to them, if they were really interested, they would get in touch with me, if they weren't, then fine.


Today, at around 3pm, while I was at the Showroom doing my weekend duty, I actually saw the two of them standing at the front of the Showroom, I was chatting with my colleagues at that time, so when I actually caught a glance of my old customers, I said to them...

"My customer is here?"

... I was really confuse because they did not schedule any appointment with me, we haven't been in touch for more than a month now, so I honestly thought they were here to look for me to sign a contract with me, but as I was about to get up from my seat to go usher them in, my manager whom I was chatting with exclaims...

"They are your customer as well?"

... as well?

And then I see my colleague who was sitting at the table in front of me get up from her chair and usher them in.

Needless to say, everyone got really shock, especially me. Once I inform that colleague about it, she was also really surprised and even though the 2 customers were interested to sign a contract with my colleague, she actually turn them down.

Her reason was that she felt one of them was really weird, a sentiment I shared, and that the amount she will make from the project isn't worth the time and effort, but I like to believe that one of the other reason she decided not to run the project for them was because they used to be my customer and it just didn't feel right to sign a customer that once belonged to me. 

I honestly didn't have any hard feelings towards the 2 customers when they stopped getting in touch with me after I had shown them the 3D drawings, but seeing them today speaking to my other colleague while I was literally seated at the table behind them, that's just extremely distasteful.

If you find my price to be too high and do not want to engage my services, fine, continue your search for another designer that you are more comfortable with who will offer you a better price at a different company.

That's like an unspoken rule, homeowners don't look for another designer in the same company because that is just straight up disrespectful to the other designer who has put in the time and effort towards preparing your design proposal for free.

When a customer decides they are not going to engage my services, they hardly ever inform me about it because they don't feel comfortable actually telling me about it, because that would be the equivalent of telling me...

"Hey, all that time and effort you have put in to meet us and prepare quotations and 3D drawings for us, we just wanted to let you know, it has all been for naught because we have decided not engage your services."

So to actually see those 2 customer walk in to the Showroom today and speak to my colleague while I am literally seated at the table behind theirs, facing them, what audacity.

When they left, I was actually really curious what my colleague had prepared for them because her quote was about $5000 lesser than mine, if she had proposed the same design layout that I have done, there was no way the amount she quoted could have covered the cost.

Well, turns out it was a lot different because a lot of items were taken out and my colleague was actually charging them a higher rate for the each individual items, her profit percentage was actually a lot higher than mine, so had the customer actually came back to me, but adjusted their requirements, my price would have been a lot lower.

Now, I am hoping that they actually realize that and email me for a meet up, so I can turn them down and and tell them to engage my colleague, who has no interest for run their project for them as well, instead.

To see their disrespectful ass returning back to square one and having to continue their hunt for an Interior Designer again, after they have finally decided to settle for one, that's like the best outcome I could wish upon them. 

It's fucking KARMA!

Well anyway, just wanted to do a quick shoutout to my clients from my third renovation project!

A little picture I found of them online


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