Monday 20 January 2014

Soiled Pants.

It's been 20 days since I last worked and I am starting to really feel like those useless sons who stays at home all day and sponges off his parents money, money the parents got from collecting drink cans and selling used newspaper.

So I went to collect my last pay check, well second last since I have another one that's not due yet, on Friday, the pay was as expected, not high at all, slightly higher than my pay as a recruit in the army and like a hundred bucks lesser than my pay as a Corporal... and I didn't even need to do anything physically demanding in the army to get paid $600 per month, so I am actually spoilt by the army, salary wise.

The trip to collect my pay was riddled with cold sweat and headaches from the horrible motion sickness I was getting from riding the bus, which I waited for a half hour. Got my pay, returned the uniform, signed some form and bought my bubble tea, lemon flavored because I read somewhere that lemon helped in soothing motion sickness, along with some fried snacks for lunch before heading back to ride the bus home again, the journey back was even worse. It didn't take long for the bus arrive at my stop and everything was going well, the aroma of my fried snack was wafting through the air in the bus and I was taking small sips of my lemon tea to suppress a potential motion sickness attack.

At the third or fourth stop on my way home in the bus, an old man decides to board the bus and for some reason, take a shit in his pants, by shit his pants I mean release his steaming pile of human defecate, or what we would call diarrhea, right into his long pants, and I didn't realize he had taken a shit when the bus driver was chasing him out of the bus until I saw two Indian ladies sitting near him taking their sarees and covering their noses with it followed by the passengers who were sitting around the old man's vicinity moving to the back of the bus. The smell hit me later on because I was already being surrounded by the smell of yummy fried snacks... and seeing the soiled pants the old man was wearing only emphasized what I was beginning to smell. He was wearing a long black pants, so it was shiny where the stream of shit that was stuck in his pants was and the sheen was all the way down to the back of his knee area... like a shit luster design.

Can only imagine how horrible it must feel to have to unzip your long pants and be welcomed by the sight of a stream of shit just climbing down your legs, and the fact that he was kicked out of the bus probably meant that he had to walk to a toilet to clean up, which is even more disgusting because the time he took to walk to a public toilet would have probably allowed his shit stream to harden and crust up.  I can imagine a bit I guess, since I had actually took a shit in my pants in Primary School before unknowingly and allowed it to stay there for the entire school day... smelled like burnt rubber for some reason... Hmmm.

The funny thing was that right after the old man was chased out of the bus after he had stink up the entire bus with what he had for dinner the night before, a few stops later, some Indian guy carrying a giant luggage boards the bus, wearing full white, white buttoned shirt with long white pants, I'm not even making this up, sits right where the old man who shit his pant was seated like 5 minutes earlier, no one told the Indian dude anything, the Indian saree ladies just looked at him and all I was thinking was how hilarious the whole situation was in my head.  The Indian guys' pants didn't get stained though, since all the shit was actually stuck in the old man's pants but I bet his pants smelled liked it... if he goes home, pulls his pants down, shoves it in his face and takes a deep breath or ten.

And the lemon drink didn't work because as I was almost about to reach my stop, I had to get out a few stops early because the motion sickness got so bad that if I hadn't, I would have probably vomited in the bus, and the old man don't need someone like me stealing his limelight. Waited for my motion sickness to go away before finally flagging a bus to complete my journey.

So right now, I am just awaiting responses from the various companies that I have applied for, most hoping to get the position in IKEA as an Interior Designer, which actually is a bit underachieving now that I think about it. Looking at the other companies Facebook profile and seeing their workers doing AutoCAD drafting made me feel really really depressed because it looked so uninspiring to be staring at floorplans and building elevations all day.

Indecisive. What I do in online games, now I am doing in real life. Play a character for a while, get bored of it and play another one, worked in an Interior Design firm, got bored of it and work in a restaurant and now going back to the Interior Design field.  The perfect job for me would be one as a cake designer, seated all day and decorating a cake or rolling out fondant dolls.

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