Monday 13 January 2014

End of my F&B Career.

Decided to show some initiative today and actually ask the Central Pastry Kitchen ,my supposed new workplace, whether or not they were planning my schedule this week...

"We don't need any staff for now so we don't need you to come down. We're sorry for not updating you."

I'm paraphrasing but it's essentially that. When I first told them I was ready to work, they told me that they would get back to me as soon as possible, apparently their definition of "asap" is a week, maybe 2 week if I hadn't messaged the person in charge.

 I wouldn't go as far as to say that they wasted my week, making me wait for them to actually give me what I had hope would be a decent work schedule, because even if they had told me beforehand that I wasn't needed, I would probably be doing the exact same thing... staying at home to game and feel bad about the direction my life is heading towards instead of going back to the old restaurant to work.

The day before I actually told the restaurant I wasn't planning to go back to help out anymore because my new job wasn't working out and I was working elsewhere full time, a white lie which I have every intention to follow through... by follow through I mean actually finding a full time job, not continue to lie and make up more lies to cover that one up... takes too much effort to spin up a good story without any plot holes in between.

So that's one load off my chest, the next thing is just having to go back to collect my final pay check. I also have absolutely zero intention of going back to the Central Pastry Kitchen to work anymore, because even though they didn't technically waste my time, I mean I'm doing that on my own accord at this point, it's pretty unprofessional of them to not even have the decency and initiative to drop me a simple text message telling me I'm not needed the entire week.

"If you have anything else to do, you go ahead and do them, I can't advise you at this point in time."

If they had told me earlier, I would probably just wait for them to schedule me, but the fact that they didn't even bother to, well I'm just gonna take it that I am no longer needed, heed their advice and I'm going to go ahead and start finding a full time job. Screw them and their influx of Chinese New Year orders.

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