Thursday 29 November 2012

Macaron & Breaking Dawn

After that inconsistent fiasco with my previous few macarons attempt, I decided to do some tweaking to the preparation and lo and behold...

French Macarons

The feets came back and so did the smooth shell. But the interior is kinda shit, there's a lot of air pocket in the macaron but it looked nice so I thought everything was fine. Until I decided to do them again and it came out looking like crap again. 

So I decided to use another method which required a bit of sugar cooking called the Italian Meringue Method which apparently was more forgiving but required a lot more steps. I did everything by myself, never had I wished I had a Kitchen Aid, a proper baking tray and a huge oven all at the same time so desperately, and surprisingly I actually managed to make the meringue without getting any burns from the hot sugar syrup... because I wasn't being moronic and directly pouring the hot syrup anywhere near the spinning whisk.

Italian Macaron +Elle and Vire Butter.
 Cold Storage sells them now, I squealed a little when I saw them (the butter). It's sad
Makes me wonder what reaction I will have when they start selling Valrhona.

The shells for this macarons were so much better, but the trouble was not worth it to be honest. There was a lot of cracking happening at places it shouldn't crack. Honestly the oven's shit because the hotspots were all over the place. As if my damn oven isn't small enough, now I have to avoid placing my pre-cooked macaron batter at certain spots so they won't crack.

I really want those ovens that will rotate as they bake but honestly there's no space in the kitchen and I have this fear that I might accidentally lock myself inside and bake myself alive because it's that big.

So anyways.

I recently went to watch Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2.

 It's actually pretty entertaining, I mean it's not the type of movie that will leave an impression after watching it but it's definitely not as bad as 9Gag make them out to me, 9gag is just the place where ignorance is embraced with love so I shouldn't have based my judgement on the latest Twilight series base what the community there says.

That being said though, the first few Twilight movies were shit. It's too much romance and too little action and I'm not one that will go "Awww" for romances... says the guy who squealed for Elle and Vire Butter. The good thing about Breaking Dawn part 2 was the action scene at the end, I have to admit looking at Dakota Fanning's head getting ripped off by the wolf was oddly satisfying.

Not this Dakota obviously. She was too precious.

And they also introduced a lot of other Vampires that had no lines to speak at all except a few head nods to show they agreed with whatever the main characters had to say, which was sad and I remembered this fat vampire lady who reminded me of the writer Stephanie Myer herself. 

As someone who don't follow Twilight as stalkishly as the Twi-hards, she looked like Myers to me and it's funny because I was watching a behind the scenes video of the showdown scene where the Vampires and Werewolves starting running towards the bad guys, you can see that actress up top lagging behind. 

They have Character Posters for all the Vampires, it's crazy, I mean probably 80% of them don't even have speaking lines and they get their own posters plastered all over the world, or maybe at Subway Stations and like places no one really visits but since Twilight is making so much money why not just stick it in the Priority Toilet Cubicles as well because it's not weird having a face staring at you as you are squeezing something out from your rear orifice. On second thought, actually a lot of people use those toilets, disabled or not. If they really did that though, they should use this one...

She kept looking like she was constipated through out the movie.


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