Friday 29 September 2023

Saturday Work and Perfume stuff....

Had to attend to a site visit earlier this morning and this is the first time I had to work on a Saturday since I joining my current company.

The clients had shared with my boss and I that they could get their property agent to allow us a viewing the home and the main goal was really for my boss to visit the site to take measurements, my attendance was optional, so attending this site meeting was what I wanted because getting the chance to meet the homeowners in person as much as possible is always easier than conversing through Whatsapp, this is speaking from my own personal experience as an Interior Designer/Project Manager from my last stint at ID4. Working today was also a chance for me to return the hours I had owed the company on Thursday when I had taken the morning off to assist at my friend's wedding. 

I had booked a Grab in advance yesterday evening and at about 10pm last night, the Grab driver who accepted my advance booking actually dropped me a text to inform me that he will be picking me up at 10.00am and asked me not to cancel the booking, I thought that was unnecessary. I mean I won't book a Grab in advance for fun and cancel for fun, I have better things to do than waste someone's time like that, but if my plans change last minute, I won't have any choice but to cancel the booking, so I didn't appreciate the message, but I did reply and simply told the driver I will see him tomorrow. The driver is a nice old man, but because he had send me the text last night, my overall impression of him was ultimately still not very good. I recently also took a Grab home from work a few days ago because I had OT and that driver was also left me a not so great impression, very nonchalant attitude, and when he was dropping me off at my condo, instead of rolling down his window to tell the security guard he was dropping me off like how all the other drivers will and should do, he drives his car a bit further up and rolls the back passenger window down instead, which is where I was seated and just expects me to tell the guard my Unit Number, I mean I get it's easier for the resident to tell the Security Guard the information, but he should have just told me very quickly before he rolled down the window...

"Help me talk to your the Security Guard"

.... so I can know what to expect, but nope, he just rolls down my window and I just felt like it was such a  rude gesture, prior to that, during the drive, he was also busy fiddling with something and not paying attention to the road whilst we were on the Expressway as well, I think he was using a nail cutter to cut the loose skin on his finger, it was fucking dangerous. I regret leaving him 4 stars, if I had the chance to re-rate him, I would have given him only 1 or 2 stars because now when I am reliving that experience in my head, he does not even deserve a passing grade. 

Anyways I digress....

On the way over to the site at about 10.05pm, the customer drops a message in the group chat asking where my boss and I were, I replied very confidently that I was in the Grab and will reach at 10.30am, thinking I am going to be on time, it was when my boss replied and said he was looking for a carpark did I realize something was off, so I checked the past messages and realized I had fucked up the timing. The meeting was suppose to be at 10.00am, not 10.30am.

During the drive over, my stomach also started acting up and as I was about 10 minutes away from the site, the need to take a dump started to kick in, and it was bad, every time we hit a red light, it felt like the longest red light of my life, every time there was a small jam, I would be cursing at whatever was causing the jam quietly in my head. 

When we finally reached the location, I immediately tried to look for a public toilet in the Condominium complex, it is quite a small condo, there wasn't any security guard so the client had to open the gate remotely for me to enter the vicinity, which immediately got me worried because if they didn't have a Security Guard stationed there, that means there probably isn't a need for a public toilet. I noticed there was a swimming pool on the second storey, and usually at most condos, if there is a swimming pool area, there are usually public bathrooms as well, well, they didn't, at this point, I knew if I tried to take a fart, it won't just be gas that comes out, so I headed straight to the apartment, apologized for being late and then immediately requested to use their toilet.

The reason why I didn't want to use their toilet initially is because I can feel it's going to be the explosive type if I just let it ripped, I am worried about the smell, I am worried about the ricochet and most importantly, I am worried about the sound that it will make, but I had no choice, the condo didn't have any public toilet and I was definitely not going to be able to hold it in for the next hour of the meeting.

I asked the person whom I thought was the homeowner if I could use her toilet to do a No.2 and she graciously told me it was alright, I later find out that the person is in fact not the owner but the property agent, the owner had actually stepped out of the house so as not to get in our way. 

It was not a good shitting experience, I really wanted to just let it loose, but because the clients were outside with the property agent, and about 2 minutes after I entered the toilet, the client's parents also arrived, the last thing I want them to hear is the sound of whatever that needs to be emptied from my bowel hitting water at a rapid pace.  I had to throw toilet paper into the toilet bowl to try and dampen the sound, but the homeowner barely had enough, so I had to make sure I also had enough left to wipe,  after I was done, I had to tell everyone not to step into the toilet for a while, which was a bit difficult because my boss needed to go in to take measurements. The whole experience was an ordeal.

But everything after that was smooth sailing, we took the measurements we needed to take and I had a good talk with the clients about the design aspect of things, so hopefully, I can settle all the design drawings soon because work has been super busy since I came back from my Reservist. 

Decided to visit ION again after the site visit was over because there is a direct bus to Orchard, the goal for the ION Orchard trip was to visit Sephora again and confirm which perfume was the one I was drawn to because previously, I sprayed all this and they all have similar names...

...I knew it was either Soleil Neige or Soleil Blanc, they are both really nice fresh scent for the local weather, but I was definitely more attracted to one than the other. 

I had actually gotten decants for both scents on Shopee just to make sure, but they are not expected to arrive until next week, that's why I decided to head to ION today to confirm since I was already going to be outside. 

And I did confirm the one that I am more drawn to is...

Tom Ford Soleil Neige.

... this was the one that I really liked, the dry down is really nice. I had a feeling it was this based on the notes online, I was drawn to the very lemon floral dry down, but it's better to just go double confirm. 

The point of me getting the scent is really just to collect it in it's original bottle, so I really wanted to get it in that column looking bottle design. I was only going to commit to the $240 30ml bottle because the 50ml is $450, which is a bit too expensive for me. They also have a 10ml version but it comes in this packaging..

... which to me just seemed a bit pointless from a collector point of view, because whilst it is a nice fancy bottle, the shape is so generic, I might as well get the 10ml decant from Shopee at less than half the price 

Unfortunately, Sephora didn't have the Soleil Neige in 30ml available, the salesperson told me to get the 50ml instead and I told her it was way too big and way too expensive, so I ended up leaving the store empty handed. I knew there was another perfume store on level 3 called Esencial , they didn't carry Tom Ford, but they do carry Maison Francis Kurkdjian (MFK) and I had recently gotten 2 more decants from MFK on Shopee, the Grand Soir and Gentle Fluidity Silver. If I were to get an MFK that I know I will like, it will be Gentle Fluidity Silver, I was literally wearing that scent on me, so I headed to level 3 and started smelling all their MFK range. 

Gentle Fluidity comes in 2 version, one in Gold and one in Silver. I got the Silver decant so I know how it smells, but I didn't have the Gold one, so I was curious to see how different they would fare against each other. 

The Gold one smells as good as the Silver one, it was sweeter and warmer, the dry down literally smells like honey on my skin, it was really nice, but because of how sweet it was, it just didn't feel very suitable for the Singapore weather. It would smell amazing on like a cold rainy day or at night, but if I were to be smelling that sweet honey scent on myself on a scorching afternoon, I would just feel really sticky.

I also smelled the rest of the collection and I think because I am in a physical store, I can't really take my time to slowly appreciate the notes as much as I would like to, even though no one was really pressuring me to leave the store or to quickly get one, so they were all quite meh. I might have to get decants of the rest so I can properly appreciate them at the comforts of my own home.

I did leave the store with a bottle though...

Gentle Fluidity Silver

My very first full bottle of MFK, it's quite exciting, the original price for the 35ml bottle that I got was $209, but they were having a 20% discount, so I was able to snag it for $169, according the the salesperson, they only had 2 bottles of it left as well.

It is fucking expensive, but I am happy with the purchase. That being said, I really do need to start controlling my spending because I had also recently purchased the Hag Capisco last week, so that's already a total of almost $900 that I have spend within the span of 2 weeks, throw in all the decants that I had also purchased recently, I think I might have spend at least $1000 on all those items.

I also decided to drop by the old furniture store I used to worked at after I bought the perfume just to catch up with my ex-colleague because it was literally just one level above the perfume store and it was nice to see how the store has changed, it's not much but there are visible differences, it does feels a lot more spacious. I also met the new Manager who seemed to be quite a friendly guy, and as I was catching up with my colleague, my friend's husband (the one I chauffeured for during the wedding), to my surprise, was also at ION and he spotted me as he was heading to the toilet, he came into the store and told me he was having lunch with my friend and her family at the restaurant a few units down, when he left and headed back to the restaurant, I could see my friend running over to the store.

We had a bit of catch up as well and I will say, it was a very pleasant visit.

I also managed to get Cinnabon from B4,  it was baked on site but because I didn't eat it right away, the final product still ended up being quite similar to the one I had in Bangkok. It was alright, I am also glad that there wasn't a massive queue, I was able to get it within 15 minutes of queuing, that being said, there were only 4 or 5 people in front of me, so I guess it was slow because the store was slow.

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