Wednesday 10 October 2018

Interviews again.

Went for my very first job Interview in almost 2 years yesterday and I will say it went alright.

Now that I am actually a legit Interior Designer with 2 years of experience, I'm just going to round up because constantly writing 1 year and 10 Months is  a bloody pain in the ass, I went into the interview feeling like I actually have something to offer, which is the skills and work experiences I have accumulated for the past 2 years at my current work place.

The Job I had applied for is for the position of Interior Stylist, same same as my current job, but not really, it's still in a similar industry. I think it is going to be a little bit easier because as an Interior Stylist, I am assuming I don't have to deal with a single project for months on end, I don't have to coordinate with a bunch of contractors to make sure things are going smoothly, and most importantly, I don't have to deal with the same group of clients for months and endure their barrage of text messages during the days that I am supposed to be off, asking me a ton of really annoying, although most of the time valid, questions. I mean the clients have the right to message me for clarification, but just because they have the right to do it doesn't mean I have to learn to accept and embrace it, it's irritating as fuck to receive a message from my clients when I am out with my friends or family asking me:

*attaches picture of a completely clean wall*

"Hi Tim, did your cleaner clean the place yet, why are the walls so dirty?"

*attaches picture of the kitchen cabinets*

"All the hinges for the doors are not working as intended, are they all suppose to be soft closing because the closing speed is all different?"

*attaches picture of an aborted fetus on the floor*

"My neighbor's wife just had a miscarriage in our flat, we will put the body in the toilet sink, please get your guys to dumb the body and clean up the blood on the floor."

I hate getting disturbed when I am not at work, but it is to be expected because I am technically working 24/7, as long as I have ongoing projects, there isn't any real rest day, I don't get a day where I can tell myself for sure that none of my clients are going to text me with an issue, I am always anticipating a text message to come at any moment of the day.

When I see the notification LED on my phone blinking, it stresses me the fuck out because it could be my client, and when I realize it's not them, I heave a sigh of relief, open the message, and sometimes, get a little irritated after realizing it's a message of no great importance.

For the past 2 years, I have been stuck in this vicious cycle of...

I got my hands on a project and it's exciting.

The project has started and now I am stress

I don't want to run anymore projects and it's a little worrisome.

The project has ended and now I am bored

Wish I had more projects to run.

Puts effort into getting more projects.

Gets hands on a new project and am excited about it again.

The project starts and I get stressed out.

Why the fuck am I putting myself through this shit again? And regrets the decision.

Project ends and I am bored again.

Wish I had more projects to run


... I am honestly not a financially driven individual when it comes to working as a Sales Designer, for me, it is more important that the job is done well and the clients are happy.

If they are happy, I am happy.

If they are upset, then I am also upset.

If they are being unreasonable, then I blog about them because they are simply not paying me enough to deal with their shit.

Ever since I started looking for the Sales Designer position again more than 2 years back, my main goal has always been to learn the ropes and actually be able to run my own renovation project from start to finish and become a legit interior designer and I would say having successfully completed about a dozen renovation projects, I have achieved that goal, so it also feels a little pointless for me to continue working as an Interior Designer any longer because I have achieved that goal.

No longer will I have to ever wonder to myself...

"What if I had stayed longer and tried to make the job work."

... because the last 3 attempts at ID1, ID2 & ID3 did not even last a month, but now I know that it doesn't work for me because I have only been earning an average of $1000 per month and even though I am not financially driven, in the sense that I am not aiming to earn at least $5000 every month like some of my other colleagues are, earning a measly $1000 per month is really quite pathetic.

I have also been growing more distant from my colleagues ever since I got thrown into a different group, so that change has also really affected my desire to actually report to work and also made it easier for me emotionally to leave the company. I was suppose to have a company meeting today but decided not to go because I didn't see the point and also because I had explosive diarrhea.

Nothing much to blog about the actual interview though, it lasted for about an hour, what really impressed me during the interview was when I was offered a bottle of Evian water, talk about high S.E.S. So I shared about myself, complaint about how being an Interior Designer is hard work and also talk shit about ID 3 for firing me 2 weeks into the job because why not let a salty bitch who obviously holds grudges vent a little, then I talked about what I am hoping this new job can offer me and yadah yadah yadah, interview stuff.

The furniture store is definitely catered to the higher end market because the dining table that I was seated at during my interview cost a whopping $44,000, that's more than how much most of my client's renovation would cost on average. The fact that there are individuals out there who are so rich that they can afford a table that cost this much is insane.

Once the interview was done, I was send out of the place and as I was about to go to a nearby eatery to get my lunch, I actually got a call from 2 different employment agency asking me if I was still looking for a job, it was really weird because the timing could not have been anymore coincidental. I said yes to both but unfortunately, the first one was located a little too far away from where I stay, so I had to turn that down, the second one on the other hand, I was open to it, so I agreed to an interview with them, which I will be going for tomorrow.

After listening to what the job has to offer, I am honestly a little unsure if I am still interested in the position because it is for the role of a Project Coordinator for Commercial Spaces, which is a lot more difficult to deal compared to residential projects because there will be a shit load more paper work I have to do, and a much tighter timeline, plus I really do not want to leave my current job, just to end up in another similar, possibly more stressful one. I will probably go for the interview just because I have the time, now that most of my projects are done, but unless the company has really amazing benefits, I think I'm not really going to give it much consideration, plus the pay also isn't that great, at only a maximum of $2,500 per month, it's really on the lower end.

That job was actually initially introduced to me by a recruit agency and when they were explaining the job to me, I was under the impression that I won't be the site coordinator, I thought I will be managing how the site coordinators.

So for example, the company has 10 new stores that they want to open, so they source out 10 different interior design firms to come up with the design and coordinate the project, and then my job would be to simply communicate with these 10 different project coordinators to make sure that they are following the schedule and the design brief.

I had applied for a position like this and it's called Interior Design Manager, but I don't the think the company is actually going to consider me for the role because they did this really fucking stupid thing where the categorize the role as Entry Level, but then requires the candidate to have 4 Years of Relevant Work Experience.  It's not a fucking Entry Level Position if it requires 4 Fucking Years of Relevant Work Experience.

I digress.

So even though I am technically working 24/7 as an Interior Designer, at least I had some form of freedom when it came to reporting to my office for work. I am not expected to report to the office everyday, so I don't have to wake up at a certain time and travel to work everyday. It's a different sort of freedom I guess.

With a 9 to 5, I can be assured that I won't be disturbed with work stuff once I am off work. But there isn't any flexibility in the working schedule so I will be chained to a weekly grind.

With my current job, I am not expected to follow a standard work schedule, but that also means I have a very high chance of getting text messages in the middle of the night or sometimes extremely early in the morning from my client.

Gotta have a compromise somewhere I suppose.

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