Monday 16 September 2024

Side Gate etiquette rant.

I was making my way home from work today, and after dropping off from the bus, I was walking towards my condo's side gate to enter the apartment complex.

I was walking behind this girl who also happened to be staying at the same condo as me,  since she was in front of me, she reached the side gate first, tapped her access card on the little card reader and the gate unlocks. 

Common Courtesy when you see someone else behind you is to at least push open the gate a bit further, that way the gate will take a longer time to close and the person behind can also come in, and if there is someone behind that person, then we just do the same until everyone comes in for the sake of everyone's convenience,  that way, no one else will need to fish out their own access card from their wallets or bags to tap the card reader. 

Basic courtesy.

So this girl pushed the gate just slightly, so it was wide enough to fit herself through it, and once she was through, she extended her arms backward while her body was still facing the front, she grabs the gate, and at this point, I thought she was going to pull it towards her and open it for me to also go through.

She doesn't.

This moderately fat cunt turns her head ever so slightly, makes eye contact with me for just a split second, and decided to push the gate towards me in my face in an attempt to lock me out. 

I was actually shocked

She didn't manage to actually shut the gate in my face, so I was able to push it open before it could lock itself, and I let myself in. 

I know this girl didn't attempt to close the gate in my face to protect the condo residents from the horrible dangers of a non-resident entering their sacred space, I think she did what she did because she is just a fucking cunt.

I hope someone closes the gate in her face next time, see how she feels to be treated like a non-resident despite being a resident.

Or she could just get Covid and become really sick for a few days, that works for me too Karma.

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