Thursday 6 May 2021

More Issues, but small issues

So that project that I am running now is giving me quite a fair bit of problem, and the problems are coming from the client's kids (my old clients) and not the clients themselves.

I am honestly not surprise at how difficult this project is getting because my old clients have done the same thing before where they were pointing out a lot of little details that I have never taken into consideration before because of how minor those details are.

Are they valid concerns? Yes. 
Do they really matter in the long run? No

It's like me baking a vanilla cake, and after baking said cake, the customer ask me what kind of vanilla I use, and I tell them I am using Vanilla Extract, only for them to question why I didn't use vanilla bean because they wanted to see the specks of vanilla bean running through the cake. So once again, is it a valid concern, sure, if you want the vanilla bean aesthetic, but does it matter in the long run, it doesn't because the speck of vanilla bean is not obvious unless you are really looking for it.

Vanilla Buttercream without using Vanilla Bean

Vanilla Buttercream using Vanilla Bean

Same same, but not really, it's not like I made the wrong flavor or coloured it wrong, it's just a minor issue that as a professional, I can't expect the customer to know about, but at the same time, because it is so minor, it is also not something I will ask the customer about before we start work.

So the daughter reached out earlier just now and pointed those small issues out and we ended up having this back and forth with a few phone calls in between, I will say that she was very cordial during the call and it was more to ask rather than to confront, her husband than chimed in as well and I also had a call with him, once again, very cordial and friendly, no aggression of any sorts.

The deal is I like this couple, I enjoy talking to them when it is not topics pertaining to problems they have found during the renovation, the good thing about this renovation is that the house belongs to the parents and not them because if it was their own house, I will have to redo a lot of things, but their parents are a bit more easygoing, so they tend to let things slide if the problems are minor ones.

I wasn't expecting this much issue so early on, I know some will pop up eventually, but not so early on and not at every stage of the renovation. I am not at the second stage, we still have 3 to 4 more stages to go, so far I can't think of any possible issues that might arise from those stages, maybe except the carpentry part, but we'll see how much white hair I will have added to my head by the end of the project.

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