Thursday 18 July 2019

Finally coming together....

The carpentry for J&J's place is finally up, or at least 95% of it, and it is pretty exciting to see the place slowly come together.

I personally am not a huge fan of this project because Jenny was quite a handful and also because I didn't really have a lot of design input, I didn't feel like an Interior Designer going into this project, I felt more like a contractor who was simply following what the clients wanted to a tee, so I don't really feel like I left any sort of mark there as a designer. I am still going to try and convince Jenny to let my company professionally photograph her home, but I will probably not use those photos for my personal portfolio.

A few hours after the install was done, my carpenter sends me photos of all the carpentry that have been installed and when he came to the final one, he attaches a voice memo with it and told me that for one of the rooms, he had measured the height wrongly and now has to bring the casement doors for that particular carpentry back to redo because I did not tell him that I had done up the false ceiling.

I was a little confused because I would NEVER make such a rookie mistake and get him to come measure the carpentry before the false ceiling is up. So I told him there was no way I would make such a rookie mistake and he kept telling me it was not up when he measured it and kept insinuating that it was my fault he measured the carpentry wrongly, so much so that I actually started to wonder if it was true, if I actually made that mistake.

So I looked through the messages, sifted through them and then I came across the 3D rendering of that particular carpentry piece he had send to me, and on it were all the measurements he had marked out to confirm with me if the height and width of it was correct and he had clearly written down all the measurements there, so I calculated the total measurements and LO AND BE FUCKING HOLD, it was measured with an allowance for the false ceiling.

The original height of the room is 2.9m
The measurement he had written down totaled to 2.75m

There is a 0.15m difference because that is the height of the false ceiling!

After I saw that, I called him up and explained to him that he had shared with me the measurements prior to the fabrication it included the false ceiling height allowance, I wasn't confrontational because I have worked with him for a while now and I really am not someone who likes to be confrontational unless I know for sure I am never going to be interacting or speaking to that person ever again, unfortunately because I was quite nice about it, he didn't acknowledge his mistake, he didn't apologize for putting the blame on me even though it was clearly a fuck up from his end and all he did was simply brush it off by telling me...

"Nevermind, I will change the doors for you so don't worry about it."

.... like he was doing me a favor, and honestly, the more I think about it, the more infuriating it makes me because I really hate getting blamed for something I didn't do, probably one of my biggest pet peeve is to be maligned, but then my carpenter started telling me he will rush the remaining items for me, because Jenny had requested to have additional cabinets added in last minute and my carpenter told me he will rush it out by next week, which was less than half the time it would normally take for fabrication, so even though my anger was justified, it just didn't feel right to snap back at him,  I thanked him for it, but then also send him the picture of the 3D of the carpentry piece he had written the measurements on after over call was over, just as a reminder that the fuck up is his fault and I have proof. He didn't bother to respond to that picture.

I really do not know if he realizes he fucked up, or he still thinks it is my fault and it is very disconcerting.

Anyway, now that the carpentry is almost complete, the house does look nicer, the lights are also halfway done, halfway due to some defective lights, but I am still within schedule, I just hope my carpenter lives up to his end of the bargain and delivers the item on the promised date so I can actually proceed with everything else, whether or not I can complete the project on time really depends on my carpenter now and honestly speaking, my faith in him is slowly decreasing, I can't afford any fuck ups at this point.

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