Tuesday 23 July 2019

Angry Guilty

Today was the day the final carpentry for J&J's place went up and knowing that there were a few issues I had spotted on my own during my previous few visits, I had to make an appearance to bring those issues up and have them rectified.

I reached the apartment at around 11.00am and by that time, one of the carpenter was already there, doing a few touch up works, we had a small chat, I showed him all the problem areas and he was really useful in terms of coming up with solutions to those problems. I was there for maybe an hour looking around for more defects while waiting for the final carpentry to arrive, but they were taking a little long and there were some design decisions that had to be made for the new carpentry, so I texted Jenny to confirm the design decisions and shared them with the carpenter before leaving.

Since I had showroom duty today, I made my way back to the office, got my lunch from a hawker center nearby and proceeded to watch the latest episode of Legion on my laptop, after that I stop Legion halfway and continued with work, preparing quotation for a new client, and then my phone starts buzzing and it was a text from Jenny, a picture.

At first all I could see was a puddle of water on a wooden surface and I thought she was showing me a few flooring samples and their waterproof capability, which makes no sense, and then she sends a text over and it writes...

"My son was over earlier and he spotted a puddle of water on the platform bed of his room, your contractor did not close to window and the rain got in."

... and immediately I remembered the heavy rain that just passed not too long ago and I was just completely shocked that the carpenter would allow this to happen. I apologize to Jenny, then forwarded the message Jenny had send to me, to him, he explain to me that his workers did close the window, but left it slightly ajar and the wind was really strong so it blew open the windows completely and cause the rain to wet the entire area, but it was not an issue because the carpentry is water resistant so there isn't any lasting damage.

At this point Jonny also responded in the chat and told me that there wasn't sufficient supervision happening, Jenny then told me that if anything is wrong with that particular carpentry, she will not pay for it, the only thing I could do was apologize on my carpenter's behalf and told them that I will tell my carpenters to be more careful in the future, they stop responding after that and I felt horrible but went back to doing my work and watching Legion.

Then in the evening, as I was contemplating whether to leave the office early or not so I can drop by J&J's site, my phone buzzes again and it was Jenny, again, She started the text with...

"Are your workers still around?"

... and my initial assumption was she probably needed them to help her with something, but since she isn't there on site, she needs me to relay the information to them, I wasn't sure if they were still there but looking at the time, which was around 7.00pm, it's safe to assume they had already left, so I told Jenny that they were probably gone and ask her why she needed to know, and she replies....

"Because I am here."

... and I knew IMMEDIATELY, something fucked up, best case scenario, one of the carpentry needed a bit of tweaking and touching up, worst case scenario, well one of the worst case scenario happened, she sends me a photo of her kitchen, the lights are turned on and the windows are completely opened....

"I came into the house to this"

... I was fucking horrified, I didn't immediately reply to her and questioned my carpenter what the fuck his guys were doing.

TWICE! ON THE SAME DAY, WITH THE SAME FUCKING PROBLEM, BOTH TIMES, THE WINDOWS WERE NOT SHUT, but instead of letting the carpentry becoming the fucking river Nile like the first time, the carpenters decided to keep the empty house fucking illuminated for the entire night.

Jonny then texts me and tells me that this cannot keep happening and I felt horrible, I just felt so guilty that they had to experience this twice on the same day and I was fucking pissed off at my carpenter, so I told him that the homeowners are not pleased that his man fucked up twice on the same day and I have to bear the grunt of it because I am the fucking middle man.

My carpenter then sends me a voice memo, telling me it is not his intention to sabotage me, but then goes on to insist that his guys did check everything and were sure all the lights and windows were turned off and closed, he then proceeds to me ask me to check with the clients if it was their son who had gone up again and forgot to turn off the lights and close the windows when he left.

I am 90% sure it was not the son, and when he send me a text of his workers telling him they had made sure to check everything, I knew it was them because the worker didn't sound convincing and secondly, it wasn't the worker who did the check, his words were...

"Carpenter B told me he checked everything before we left."

... I know Carpenter B and I know he has a tendency to shirk responsibility or try to bullshit his way out of helping me touch up defect, so it is also very possible he is bullshitting and shirking responsibility.

If I were to accuse her Son and it turns out it isn't him,because it is not, not only will she be angry that I am trying to shirk responsbility, her son will also be pissed that I tried to put the blame on him, me, because I am the fucking middle man, so naturally I did not ask Jenny if her son was responsible, I am not a fucking idiot.

At this point I got really tired because my Carpenter is just going to push the blame and there is no point harping on, so what if he claims full responsibility, the damage has been done, the impression J&J had of me is ruined, my carpenter really screwed me over and I am fucking pissed.

Completely lost my appetite after that because I was feeling horrible towards J&J and pissed off at my carpenter.

J&J didn't reprimand me, but they were very disappointed in me and it sucks because Jenny has been really nice to me the past week, thanking me for helping over look the project and just being really appreciative, and my carpenter has managed to ruined that for me. 

I am really more pissed off than I am feeling guilty.

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