Tuesday 11 June 2019

The Dumbcunt

I honestly have no fucking mood to respond to Jenny.
No fucking mood to respond to her fucking text.

She just send me pictures a few minutes ago of one of her neighbor's house, completely covered in protection sheet, and it is a pretty excessive level of protection, every single surface is completely covered and taped really tight, and she asks me if I will offer that level of protection for her house.

I have been in this Industry for 2.5 years and for all my projects, I have never wrap the house up like a fucking Christmas gift before, so I told her that I will definitely be laying the protection for her, but not to that extent because it was a little excessive, I knew she wouldn't be satisfied with that answer because it is Jenny I am dealing with after all, and she responds with...

"This is what my neighbor shared with me, this is the standard."

Who made you the fucking queen to decide what is the standard, please kindly go and ACTUALLY FUCK YOURSELF!

Proclaiming that this is the standard when this is your first renovation, when you have only seen your neighbor's house, like what the actual fuck?

So if I go to a high end chocolatier, pay top money and have an amazing piece of chocolate there, suddenly that is the standard that every chocolate bar should have? Suddenly I am a chocolate connoisseur and have the right to go to Cadbury to start pissing at their quality of chocolate?


That client probably paid extra to get that level of protection because it's not a normal corrugated cardboard sheet, it's the thick plastic protection sheet.

Out of all the clients that I have met so far, Jenny is the first one who doesn't give a shit about my commission, which is shocking because she just made me realize how nice all my other clients who offer to pay more actually are. Even if my other clients are difficult to deal with, at least they have some sort of empathy.

This relentless fucking bitch woman really pissed me off when she accused me of overcharging her 2 days ago and she is pissing me off again today, I have never actually gotten so angry at a customer before until Jenny.

I was literally typing a response along the line of...

"No Jenny, this is NOT the standard."

... but quickly backspace and had to put the phone down to cool off.

I guess feeling anger rather than fear towards a customer is a good thing, when I am fearful of a customer, I am placed in this inferior position of wanting to please the clients, but when I am pissed off at them, I don't feel entitled to please them, I just need to exercise more self control and not send a response full of expletives.

I did not bother to respond to her, but she later asks me to increase the size of a particular carpentry and I just told her that if she wanted to increase the size, the price is going to increase, to which she goes...

"But I just want to increase it by a little."

.... no bitch, you ain't getting any free upgrades from me anymore. I had to say "my carpenter will charge more" instead of "I have to charge you more" to let her know that I am not the one who wants to charge her more because this bitch thinks every additional charge I am adding into their quotation is my attempt at trying to earn back the discount I gave them, she thinks every upgrade she request is free, like I am running some sort of charity organisation for her.

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