Sunday 9 June 2019

Le Piece of Shite

During my last meeting with Jonny & Jenny at their site on Friday, I had to break the news to Jonny that I have accidentally undercharged them for quite a few items and needed to recoup my losses, so I could no longer honor the original price I had promised them for a few of the newer items they wanted to add to their renovation. Jonny was really understanding and said he didn't mind me charging him a little extra because he didn't want me to run the project at a loss.

At that point, I was only speaking to Jonny alone as Jenny was still at work and would only arrive about an hour later, so the conversation was mainly about the design changes that had to happen after we learn of the restriction the management has set for renovation. Jonny didn't have any protest towards the new changes, he was accepting every one I had to implement and never once did he bring up the increased pricing for discussion.

So after briefing Jonny through the changes, we made some small talk and then Jenny arrives, and the first thing Jonny tells her is about the price increment, he explained to her the reason for it and it was not so much in a tattle-tail sort of way, but more of just letting Jenny know about my predicament. Jenny was clearly a little unhappy with it, I could sense that she wasn't really all that empathetic towards my situation when I explained it to her myself, she kept playfully whining about it, but the whining was pretty short lived and we soon went back to discussing and finalizing the design.

After going through the changes with her, Jenny, being the indecisive person that she is, requested for me to prepare more 3D drawings for her, to update the colours of the carpentry so she can compare and choose between the different options, and as we were talking about the drawings, Jonny suddenly goes...

"Actually I find that your 3D looks really fake, it looks really toy-like compared to the 3D prepared by other companies out there."

... my initial thought to that comment in my head was...

"Someone finally said it."

...because I know that my 3D drawings are not the best, but my past clients have never had any issues with them before, and even if they did, they have never let me know about them, when I do bring up the 3D being not as good as what my In-House designer can do , almost all of them will tell me it is good enough for them, that they don't mind a slight dip in quality if it meant that the drawings could be churned out faster.

But the initial shock I felt from that "truth bomb" was soon replaced by a sense of annoyance because of the sheer number of 3D Drawings I have already rendered for them, a total of 44 drawings.


The market rate for a single 3D drawing is about $80, 44 drawings would equate to $3520, and I am essentially updating the changes for them for free, so to have the audacity to request for more changes, and then criticize my drawings. Am I suppose to feel bad that you think my drawings aren't up to par, so I should feel even more incline to prepare those drawings for you to make up for what you have deem to be of inferior quality drawings ?

Just when I finally have a good impression of Jonny, he had to make that comment and smear a huge chunk of shit all over positive image I had painted of him earlier, like a huge "Fuck You" for having the audacity to even think of him in a positive light.

So after that diss and a few more design related discussions later, we were finally done. Even though I was criticized for my drawings, I did feel a weight being lifted off my shoulder after hearing how accepting Jonny was to the extra charges. This project is a mess and I still wish I hadn't accepted it, but to be able to recoup my losses is just one of those small little victories that made me feel a little better about it.

When I was finally home, Jenny sends me a text, requesting to have a copy of the new quote, saying she wanted to have a closer look to see if everything adds up, so I send it her way and then there wasn't any further replies from her end.

Saturday came, and things were pretty quiet on their end, I still owed Jonny and Jenny the 3D so I was honestly expecting them to rush me for it, but they didn't, and Sunday rolls around and things were pretty peaceful as well, my plan was to send all the new 3D on Monday because I just wanted to have a nice and quiet weekend with no disturbance from Jonny and Jenny, and that wish was almost granted,  ALMOST, because at 10 pm on Sunday, Jenny sends me a text message, accusing me of overcharging her for the new items.

I have explained my situation to Jonny and he understands my predicament, he then explains it to Jenny and even though she was whining about it, I thought she would at least be empathetic to my situation, but I was wrong because of course she has to drop my a text message at 10pm on Sunday to accuse me of overcharging her and ruining my almost perfect weekend.

It took me an hour to finally send back a reply explaining to her the "overcharges" because it's really difficult to respond back with...

"I ain't overcharging you, you dumb fuck!, I had undercharged you previously and now I am not!"

... and not piss her off. I mean I wish I could send an angry text to her and just tell her that if she ain't happy with the price, she is free to terminate the contract, or if she thinks the items are too expensive, then take it out, simple as that, but I tried to reason with her, and I told her that is she was up for it, I will lower the amount more, not to earn, but to reduce my losses and she is FUCKING relentless.

I told her that charging her HIGHER for certain items isn't me trying to earn more from said items, it's me trying to reduce the losses instead because I undercharged them, and then I told her that I hope she would understand my predicament, and she comes back around and accuses me of charging her higher for the new items to make up for the huge discount I had given her from the start...


.... it's like she is not even taking the time to actually read what I am writing to her, there is a fucking huge difference between me earning extra and me trying to reduce my losses, I am the latter, I explained to her that I if I sold it to her at that price, I will be making a loss, and she doesn't fucking get it, this has nothing to do with me earning more to make up for the huge discount I gave them, she keeps thinking I am out to cheat them off their hard earned money. It just fucking pisses me off when a client would picture me as a this calculative person who is out to scam innocent homeowners, FUCK YOU!

She keeps going on about how my price is higher than the other Design Company ,claiming that because the other company is supposed to be more high-end than mine, my price should be lower. I checked the price and realized that the "high-end" company was selling them at a slight loss and they are able to do so because everything else in the quotation is jacked-up, of course Jenny suddenly gets selective-reading when I try and explain that to her, and wouldn't stop yapping about how my price is too high.

In the end, I had no choice but to lower it down, I didn't want to get into an argument with her, so this was the only way to shut her up and Jonny didn't contribute to the conversation at all. Jenny then begrudgingly thanks me for being understanding and tells me she will refer her friends to me if I do a good job, like bitch go fuck yourself, I don't want to deal with any potential Jenny 2.0 and Jenny 3.0, once this project is done, we are done!

I don't want to owe you any fucking favors.
The project hasn't even started yet and I am already getting pissed off by them, I can't imagine the shit show that will ensue once it actually begins.

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