Wednesday 26 June 2019


Today's plan was to meet a client at her office this afternoon.

This client hadn't gotten her keys to the apartment yet, so the arrangement I had with her when I first got hold of her contact information was to schedule the meeting once she got the keys, since she was only planning to do bit of touch up work, meeting now seem pointless if I can't assess how bad the current condition of the home was and she also didn't have any photos of the place to share, so there was really nothing for us to go on. I relayed this information to my admin when she was doing her routine check on the status of all the designer's customers, and she was aware of my arrangement.

My admin then texts me up a few days after she did the check with me and told me the client would like to meet at her office in the afternoon, and ask me if I was available. A little confused as to why that client reached out to my admin instead of me, I just told the admin I will get in the touch with the client to arrange the timing.

So I texted the client and told her I was informed of her request to meet up, to which she then told me that it wasn't actually her that requested for it, it was my admin who had called her to arrange a meeting.

It was really odd but since she has already agreed to a meeting, I quickly confirmed a date and time with her and that date and time was this afternoon at 12.15pm. My admin then text me to update her of the arrangement and I shared with her the time and date of the meeting.

So after what was supposed to be a No.1 became a No.2 in the toilet this morning, I actually ended up leaving the house later than I was planning to, I missed my first bus as well and as I was in the train on the way to the designated meeting place, I quickly texted the client telling her I will be about 10 minutes late.

No response.

Once I finally reached my stop, which was about 15 minutes after I had texted my client, I realize it was raining, so as I was scrambling for my umbrella, I decided to check my phone for any messages from the client.

No respond, message wasn't even read.

I made my way over to her office, it was quite a walk away and there were so many people, CBD during lunch time is really packed and walking behind a bunch of people who dilly dallying as they were peering into the different food court and restaurants to see what was available was really infuriating. I was already late and people were so slow, even got hit by some guys' umbrella as I was brisk walking through a traffic junction.

When I finally reach the place, my bag was wet but thankfully I was pretty dry, I decided to text the client again and let her know I had reached the place, unfortunately because it was lunch time, the cafe she wanted to meet at was packed to the brim, I was also too lazy to stand around and wait for a seat, so I headed to the office lobby and waited at the sofa area.

Both text messages were not read and at about 12.35pm, I decided to actually give the client a call to see what was going on, if she was still going to appear or not.

Doesn't pick up the call.

I pretty much had it by 12.45pm, so I lied and texted her that I had an appointment elsewhere, so I was not going to wait for her any longer, if she wanted to reschedule, then we can meet at my showroom. I would have preferred not to but it is much safer to let her know I was gonna leave lest she actually shows up, thinks that I had ghosted her and calls up my company to complain about me.

This is why I do not like meeting customers I have never met before outside at their convenience, because they may potentially be a huge waste of time. I traveled all the way down to the CBD area, braved the rain and in the end, I got ghosted by the client.

Needless to say, I was pretty peeved and was about to Insta-story the situation when the client finally responds back, and her first reply was...

"Sure, catch you later!"

... I would have expected the first text message to be an apology, but she then goes on to explain that she was stuck in a meeting and couldn't leave, and apologizes for not responding sooner.

She apologizes for not responding sooner, but not for that futile trip I made to see her.

That's like me accidentally running over your dog and then apologizing to you for dirtying it's fur with my wheel while you dog is bleeding from it's asshole and missing it's entire head.

I really didn't want to respond back and was really contemplating not to, but had to be professional and lied that it was no big deal, I told her not to worry and that was it, normally I would ask the client...

"No worries, just let me know when you are available and we can arrange another meeting."

... just to keep the conversation going and actually actively attempt to schedule another appointment, but I just stopped at "No Worries" because I didn't want to drag on the conversation, she also didn't response back with a new meeting date and time, so WHATEVER~ 

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