Thursday 15 March 2018

Lil' Bitch

I haven't been blogging for a while because lately, there hasn't really been much to blog about, work was fine the past few months, didn't really have much to complaint about, the Chinese New Year break was a long time coming, it really gave me some time to not have to think about work on a daily basis and I also got my paycheck after a year of working in the company.

It is a hefty amount to receive at one go, a small 5 figure, but if I were to divide it equally into 12 months, then I am receiving the same amount the army was giving me 5 to 6 years ago, which is not good.

But I am blogging again today because it's my birthday and also more importantly, I got shit I need to get off my chest.

So recently, this customer I blogged about in the last post has slowly started to show his mean streak. Even before he sign the contract to engage me as his Interior Designer, I could already sense a meanness in him, that pettiness he exhibits when the security guard for the condo doesn't let him through, the names he would give to a certain contractor because her service is slightly more expensive than he thought and the complaints he would share in the group chat about how his neighbor is a dick. I was hoping to not be the subject of his petty behavior, but my hopes were dashed because he has finally transformed into that little bitch and is slowly but surely starting to become a real piece of shit.

Like I have written in my previous post. I was never interested in his renovation, everything that happened happen because they misconstrued my intentions during my email exchanges with them. Well, now I am bearing the grunt of that mistake.

Not too long ago, I spotted a small issue with their toilet and decided to bring it up to their (him and his wife) attention, everything was fine and it really isn't a problem caused by my side, it was just an issue that limited my client's toilet bowl selection.

To give a bit of context, when one actually purchases a toilet bowl for their toilet, there are certain measurements that they need to take note of before actually making a purchase, measurements that the toilet bowl supplier will ask you before they sell you the toilet bowl.

Now, when I found out about this issue, my client did not call me up prior to ask me about those measurements, so I was under the assumption that they haven't bought the toilet bowl yet. I then brought this issue up in the group chat, thinking they will respond with...

"Noted! Thanks for the information!"

....or maybe ask me why their options have been limited and then end the conversation with some sort of gratitude for learning something new from me like...

"Oh, didn't know that! Thanks for letting us know!"

 ... so imagine my surprise when the husband actually responded with...

"Remind me why the Interior Designer isn't doing this?"

... Doing WHAT exactly ? 


Buying the toilet bowl for you?
Do you want me to buy your furniture for you as well?
While I am at it, why not let me decide what TV you should get.
I'm sure your wife doesn't want to do the washing of the clothes by hand, so why don't I also go to the departmental store and get you guys a washing machine on your behalf.
Assuming you guys are up to date with the latest technology, let me help you sign up for a Netflix account as well.
Your kids are starting Primary School soon? Hey, let me go apply a position for them as well!
You need to take a shit, hey, let me stick my finger up your butt to encourage your bowels to release the supper you had last night.
As an Interior Designer, I guess it is also my job to help you wipe you butt, since you are taking a shit in your house, and anything that is even remotely related to your house is part of my job scope, RIGHT?

Gosh, what a horrible Interior Designer I am for not treating you like a brain dead individual who can't do shit himself!

It was a little ridiculous because all my other clients have never expected me to buy a toilet bowl for them on their behalf. Why, because I got no fucking clue if you would prefer a rectangular bowl or a circular one, do you want me to sit on the toilet bowl and than write a 1000 word review about each one in the Whatsapp group chat so you can slowly read through, imagine yourself on the bowl and then decide decades years later after you have moved in to the house and made it a habit to shit in a bag because there isn't a toilet bowl for you to use because you are too fucking lazy to actually go to a sanitary shop to test out the bowls for yourself!


So I explained to him why I don't do that as calmly as I could, and I ended the message with a smiley face to make it appear like I am not actually pissed off at his stupid comment.

He then responds with...

"Already bought the toilet bowl, will be delivered by the end of the month."

.... so I assumed wrong, they did went to buy a toilet bowl without the proper measurement, curious as to why they would do something so stupid, I ask them why the shopkeeper didn't ask them for the measurements, to which the husband simply responded with....

"They did ask us for the measurement."

....and? They did ask you for the measurement, you didn't have the measurement, and? Continue your story about how you came to that stupid fucking decision of buying a toilet bowl without having the necessary measurements.

I was getting really annoyed by the stupidity at this point, so I just ask them for the toilet bowl model and started doing my own research to check if the toilet bowl can fit. No prize for guessing that it wasn't a right fit because no one is going to give you a million dollar for guessing that ice is cold.

I then ask them to ask for an exchange because it is not going to fit, so they did and luckily for them, the shopkeeper was willing to do the exchange, so far I haven't got an update from them about the exchange, really wish I didn't have to care to be honest, but if shit goes wrong, blame will be on me, so I have to give a shit.

Problem solved, right?

Nope, well technically that problem was solved, but then today, another one arise. I wouldn't really call it a problem, but an additional renovation work that I had to bring to their attention and it has to do with the repair of the parquet floor.

I have already brought this issue up to the husband before and I even went as far to tell him that I will bear 60% of the cost for the repair because it was a oversight on my part and he was agreeable to it, he knew the price and so when my worker started work on the parquet this morning, I decided to update him and his wife of the repair work in progress, to which the husband actually replied with...

"Upseller. What is the cost?"

... really? "Upseller". I have a name, use it, if you don't want to use it, then just start your message with the question, no fucking need for you to be so unnecessarily rude to me. Don't want me to be calling you Asshat in the group chat would you, Asshat?

So after a bit of exchange back on forth about the progress of the work and what not, with me being extremely professional about it may I add, he suddenly goes...

"Just let me know how much the extra works will cost, I don't want you to absorb too much and lower your profit margin."

... which confused the fuck out of me. So are you not happy with my work or are you worried that I am not going to make any profit from your project? Because you have managed to piss me off like no customer ever did and you are suddenly concern that I might not earn much? What the fuck is with this inconsistency, suffering from DID or something?

Has Asshat gone to sleep and someone else from the many personalities in your mind re-emerge to back track and repair all the damages Asshat did?

It's like a sudden 180 degree change from fucking asshole to concern client, so I have no idea if calling me "Upseller" was meant as a dig at me or as a joke, but that name calling really sullied my impression of him.

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