Saturday 31 March 2018

Request Redundance

I have been under quite a bit of stress lately from a project that was suppose to be completed by now, but due to some minor issues that occurred, my clients have decided that it is not ready and requested for the items to be replaced.

What started out as a minor issue got blown completely out of proportion because my supplier send inept individuals to do the touch up works, not once, but twice.

The first time was meant to be the last time they did any rectification works for me, it was meant to fix issues but all the guy did was make things worst by using strong chemicals to clean a powder coated frame, which cause minor discoloration that was made painfully obvious by the lights from the track lights my clients have installed on their ceiling

Initially my client wasn't too concern about the issue, they were upset about it but I quickly assured them that I would get someone down again to fix the problem for them, so I did and the guy comes down the very next day.

This bloody idiot took a look at the problem, didn't know what to do and actually verbalize it in front of my clients, telling us....

"I have no idea what is wrong, so there is nothing I can do, I will check with my boss on the next course of action."

... so when I asked him what caused the issue, thinking he would at least have some sort of rough idea the possible problem, he goes...

"I'm not so sure."

.... packs his bag and leaves, it was so fucking stupid. Upon hearing that, my clients got very worried and that is when the problem actually started because they became extremely paranoid and kept thinking that the discoloration was a naturally occurring issue, that the material itself is the problem when the truth is some moron before that had used a strong cleaning agent to clean and accidentally rubbed off the powder coating.

On my end, I tried to explain to them what I think happened but they were not convinced, so I told them to give my supplier a chance to explain themselves, to give the supplier a time to meet up with them and explain to them professionally what is happening and what can be done to fix the issue.

There were a lot of problems trying to set up a meeting due to several meeting with other clients on my end, but I eventually found the time and my client finally got the chance to actually speak to knowledgeable workers, they did a great job explaining the problem, assuring my client that the issue is minor, because it really is a minor one, and then did a really good job doing the touch up for the affected areas.

I spend a total of 3 hours there, inhaling the fumes from the spray paint and when it was almost completed, the frames actually looked almost as good as new, the discolorations were gone and my client looked satisfied with the result, so I left the house, thinking I can finally sleep peacefully and wake up feeling rested now that the problem has been resolved, because this shit has been stressing me a lot lately.

Well, my joy was short lived because a few hours later, I get a text from my client telling me that he was now unsatisfied with how the frames feel after the spray painting.

REALLY? And for the entire time I thought the only issue was the way it looks, now you are telling me you are not satisfied because it does not feel smooth.

Now, my problem with this issue they have is that the "feel issue" is even more minor that the initial discoloration issue, the earlier issue was obvious under the track light and I understand why they aren't happy with it because it looks a little dirty from certain angles, but telling me the touch and feel of it is unsatisfactory, now what the actual fuck?

If the newly sprayed coat feels super rough like sandpaper and it is visibly patchy, than of course I will get the suppliers to change it because that means something is really wrong, but that's not the case here, right now, the issue they have is that the frame is not as smooth as last time, it is still smooth, just not as smooth. It's such a stupid reason to have the entire set replaced because it is not as smooth.

What a fucking headache, now, even the supplier is annoyed by me because I am constantly ruining their day by sharing with them my clients' ridiculous and unnecessary request to replace the entire set.

The whole thing just feels so pointless. My supplier was willing to change a portion of the affected area, but when I told him the owner requested for the entire piece to be replaced, he actually flipped out at me and told me that was impossible. I honestly feel really bad for my supplier because this owner's request is just ridiculous, it's so fucking stupid, you complaint that the frame doesn't look good, so we fixed it for you, and now suddenly you are telling me you can't accept it because it doesn't feel as smooth after the fix? Wasted everyone's fucking time, telling the supplier and me on site...

"Yeah it looks good, I can accept this fix."

... and then tell me via text an hour later that it is not satisfactory, fuck off! My supplier who doesn't work on a weekend actually made the effort to drop by the site personally on a Saturday evening just to explain the problem to the client, stayed there for a whole 3 hours before leaving at 8pm, that really is going the extra mile, and then my client just tells me the repair is unacceptable. I was so irritated I almost didn't want to reply to his message after that.

Bloody fucking stupid.

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