Thursday 20 July 2017

The Demoralization is real.

Another customer of mine has just slipped away from my hands and I did not appreciate how they did not bother to update me about their designer hunting status.

Am I disappointed that I wasn't able to renovate their home for them?

Honestly speaking, I'm not. There was a very obvious lack of chemistry between the homeowners and myself and when I first saw them walking into the Showroom, I did not want to serve them at all due to the fact that they are a PR couple from China and my Mandarin conversational skills just isn't up to par with theirs, obviously, but I did anyway and it wasn't horrible, but it also wasn't good.

I took down their requirements and decided to schedule a second appointment with them despite the lack of rapport because their budget was quite generous for renovation works they have requested, and also because I was itching to sign new contracts. 

So we were scheduled to meet this Sunday morning and I had told them that I will prepare a design proposal for them to see when we meet again, to which they were agreeable to, and we agreed to confirm the timing when we are closer to the date.

Fast forward to today, I decided to give the customer a call to confirm the time and at this point, I have not only prepared a quotation for them, I have also prepared a SketchUp drawing for their viewing, so I was quite excited to present to them what I have prepared, but when I called to confirm the time with the customer, he goes...

"We have actually already chosen an Interior Designer to work with."

... Hmmmm? Okay.

So even though we have already agreed to meet on Sunday for a follow up appointment and despite you and your wife CLEARLY knowing that I have been working on a design proposal for you guys over the past few days, it never crossed both your minds to have the basic courtesy let me know before hand that you guys have already confirmed an Interior Designer.

I mean great, good for you that you were able to find an Interior Designer you are comfortable working with, it's your house, it's your choice, but man, what a fucking waste of my time and effort.

Another 3D file to put away into my "Waste of Time" folder, it is really very upsetting when I open that file and see all the Sketch Up files I wanted to, but was never able to show my customers because they didn't want to return for a second appointment.

It's starting to get really demoralizing receiving this torrent of insincere customers, just yesterday, I received a new customer lead from the company and decided that instead of doing my usual texting, I will call the person up, I could tell from the get go that she was clearly not interested, and I was right because instead of scheduling a time for her to drop by the Showroom due to the location being too inconvenient for her, she requested for me to do a house visit.

"Can you come down to my house instead?"


We haven't even met once in person and you are already requesting for me to drop by your home for the first consultation session.

Hello! You are going to be paying for my travelling expenses is it? Want me to travel from the West to the North East region of Singapore. How fucking entitled can customers get? Fucking ridiculous, of course I couldn't say that to her over the phone, so I just told her that I will get back to her about it.

I'm obviously not going to grant her the request to meet her at her home, so instead I will probably ask her to drop by the other showroom, which is like 3 station away from her where she lives, and if she doesn't agree to that, then I will also not go out of my way to meet a customer at their convince for the first appointment, because I have converse with over 40 different customers and have only come across a very very small handful who are actually genuinely sincere, and those sincere ones are the ones who actually bothered to come visit the showroom, which means the chances of the trip down to her house has a very very high chance of being a complete waste of my time, energy and money. So .....

Update : Just send her a text this morning sharing with her the "bad news" that I won't be personally visiting her, she has read the text but hasn't responded to it, I doubt she will actually respond to it because she is clearly not interested.

If you are not interested to do any renovation works at the moment, don't send in your fucking renovation request through a renovation portal. I just feel bad for the companies who actually pay for the leads, mine included, I mean imagine paying almost $20 for a customer lead and then get presented with this kind of garbage customer.

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