Saturday 15 July 2017

Horrible Day

Had to go to my site this morning after a very last minute call from my Electrician's worker who requested for me to be there.

A few days prior, I had found out that certain electrical points at my site wasn't at the correct location, so I dropped a text informing the electrician that there might be some issues with them, but that he didn't have to send someone down because I could rectify that issue in the future with the carpentry works.

So fast forward to today, I receive a photo from said electrician and in the photo, he had marked out where the new electrical points will be located, thinking he had probably just gone down to do some marking for future reference, I didn't concern myself too much about the picture and just responded with...

"Yup, those are the correct spot for the electrical switches."

... I get a call 15 minutes after sending the text from the Electrician's worker asking me if I was going to go to site today. A little confused as to why he was even there today when I did not arrange any work for them to do, I told him I wasn't planning on going down today, to which he responded....

"But I need you here today to tell me where to pull the wires to?"

.... I thought he was referring to the lighting points because I had requested for them to help me add 2 more lighting points in the toilets, so I told him I will be there in an hour and he hangs up the phone.

I had just woken up at this point, so as soon as I was done showering, I took the car and headed straight for the site. As I was parking, I receive a call from an unknown number and the person on the line goes...

"Hi, is this Tim? I'm a resident living around your project site, just wanted to let you know that your site is currently doing a lot of drilling works and is generating a lot of noise. I don't think drilling works are permitted on the weekends right?"

.... and that was when I realize something was wrong. I apologized to the person and he was really friendly about the whole situation, I, on the other hand, was livid.

This isn't the first time this bloody worker has started drilling holes into the fucking walls without my approval, this is the second time, so the moment I walked into my site,  I started shouting at him to stop and he goes...

"You were going to take a while so I started drilling first."

.... OMFG.

I had told his boss that I was not going to ask him to send his guys down to drill the holes for me,  I told him I was going to cover the fucking holes with carpentry work, but what do you know, he sends his worker down without telling me on a weekend when drilling works isn't permitted, and he even sends me the most incompetent worker he has.

And the worker kept going...

"But you never tell me, you never say properly!"

FUCK! I told your boss! And I could have told you had you fucking waited for me to arrive instead of starting work on your own. What the fuck is the boss doing not giving clear instructions to his workers, also not the first time, in the past, when I gave the boss instructions on how I wanted my wiring to run, he fails to pass those instructions to his workers, luckily I arrived at site just in the nick of time to stop his workers from actually installing the wiring in the wrong location and running the fugly trunking across the entire hallway.

This is the last time I am gonna be using this Electrician's services.

I also had to return back to camp today for a mobilization exercise and decided since the car was around, I will drive over instead of taking the public transport, so I took the car, picked my friend up from his house and we made our way over to the army camp together.

I have driven to the army camp a few times before, so I was a little familiar with the route, my only concern was really how bad the traffic would be because we were warned prior to the mobilization that it is highly recommend not to drive because it might cause a huge jam, and there was a jam as I got closer and closer to the army camp, but it wasn't as bad as I had imagined and within 10 minutes of being stuck in the jam, I was at the front of the jam, awaiting my entry at the gantry.

Since there was still a vehicle at the gantry at my lane , I decided to wait outside until instructed to move forward, but then I see the sergeant who was manning the gantry ushering me to move forward, so I released my break, moved forward and was kinda stuck midway between the marked out area where my car was suppose to be, the sergeant comes up to my window and ask for both our ICs, so I passed both of them to him.

As he turned his back to check our ICs against his namelist, I decided to release my break a little and drive forward towards the gantry so that my car wouldn't be in such an awkward position, his back was turn from my car, so I assumed it would be safe to drive forward without hitting him, I was fucking wrong.

That slight inching forward caused him to start shouting out in pain and it took me a while to register where his source of agony was coming from, I instantly braked and all the other soldiers who were standing around started swarming towards him and that was when I realized I had driven over his feet and braked right on top of it.

I didn't want to move out of fear that I might cause more damage, but he was groaning in pain because there's a fucking car with 2 passengers currently perched right on top of his feet, so I also wanted to move it to free his leg, but as I was about to release my brakes, this other Sergeant who was standing right beside me starts shouting...


... which of course made me step on the brakes again, and then he starts shouting at me asking me if I knew how to drive a car. I am still in shock and the poor sergeant is still groaning in pain, the last thing this entire situation needs is someone shouting at me and asking me if I know how to drive a fucking car.

Luckily, a more level headed commander came over and told me to slowly reverse my car to free the sergeant's feet, and when he was finally free, I kept asking over and over if he was alright, which was a really stupid question to ask and I can understand why he didn't respond to any of them.

I ran over to check on the sergeant's feet as soon as the car was parked and from what I can see, it doesn't seem to be too serious, the feet that the car was perched on was red but it didn't look broken and the sergeant did say to his commander that it didn't hurt as bad anymore. My particulars were taken down and I was told that I will be contacted should there be a need to.

Needless to say, I spend the entire day in camp feeling really guilty.

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