Monday 29 June 2015

ICT First Day.

Today is the first day of my second ICT. My Mum dropped me off at Simei in the morning and I took a bus from there, didn't realize the trip would take half an hour, so I actually stood up the entire time in the bus, half crouching because the bus ceiling was ridiculously low, but I persisted anyway because I'm an idiot and the whole time I was in the bus stuck in that uncomfortable position, there was this other NS guy seated comfortably in the seat at the back of the bus, probably just quietly judging that weird lanky guy standing awkwardly at the standing area of the bus.

Anyways, half an hour later, I was able to finally drop off at my stop, I was maybe 15 minutes late and was still considered one of the earlier ones.

Initially, I wasn't sure what the schedule was going to be like when I got the notice to go back for my reservist but I knew it was gonna have a lot of waiting and after hearing the schedule they had planned for us today from the warrant officer, I was right.

I'm not complaining about not having anything to do, I mean I'd rather sit and wait for things to happen in camp than to have to go and clean weapons or do guard duty for 6 hours at one go, but what I don't like is how we could have ended so much earlier if they had just push all the activities into the morning session. There was a lot of waiting for things to happen, but we were able to end at 3.30 pm after the last minute activities they had planned was over.

I was lazy to take the bus, train, bus combo home in my No.4, so I just took a $20 cab ride home. Managed to reach home in half an hours, that's a quarter of the time it would take me to reach home had I taken the bus, train, bus combo, and in my No.4 which means I might have to stand the whole trip home because those middle-aged Singaporean Aunties just love to Stomp the shit out of us for a $50 reward.

The main event for this ICT is SAF Day on Wednesday, not very exciting for the ICTs because we are gonna be doing some vehicle ushering. The last duty I did during my NS before I ORDed was ushering at SAFTI, and now I am going to be returning back there to do the exact same thing, except this time, it's going to be a much bigger event, with the President and Prime Minister attending.

Tomorrow is going to be another briefing again, asked my Mum if I could take the car and she wasn't very keen on the idea, so no car for my convenience tomorrow, FML, have to go back home via the bus, train, bus combo tomorrow, although I am not very inclined to do so. Might end up just taking a fucking taxi again. But on the up side, I will be able to use the car on Thursday, so that's good, my initial plan was to get my driving license before this ICT so I could drive to camp, but now it seems I can only use it once. Pfft.

My driving confidence has taken a tumble again, a few days ago when I was reversing my Mum's car into the parking space, I accidentally hit the car bumper against the freaking pillar, that parking spot was the very first parking spot I attempted after I got my license, decided it would be a great idea to park there again to prove to myself how much I have improved over the last month, and BAM!, ran right into the pillar, such a fucking idiot. There was a dent but it's not as bad as I thought it was when I heard the pillar kissing the car's bumper.

Now I'm afraid I will accidentally bump someone's car on Thursday, someone who has a higher rank than me who  wouldn't think twice about fucking me upside down for ruining his or her beautiful car.

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