Saturday 29 November 2014

Driving and Froyo

5th driving lesson today and the end of my Stage 1 Practical Lesson.

The instructor I got today was a lot more stern than the previous few I had, I'm not sure if stern is the correct word, a more accurate phrase would probably be not give a fuck.

He was really impatient when he was pointing out the mistakes I was making, once in a while he would take out his iPad and I assume play a game and also checks the watch occasionally to see how much longer he has to endure my company, that feeling was mutual because half an hour into the lesson, I was already checking the time to see how much longer I had to endure sitting through this practical lesson taught by an instructor who obviously feels like he has more important things to... like eating his lunch right after my lesson. It sucked when I realized only half an hour had passed.

He was pretty much quiet throughout the entire lesson, excluding the times he is reprimanding me for driving too quickly, changing lane without checking the mirror, and really any scenario that might involve him dying in a car crash from my reckless driving, so at the end of the lesson, I was actually quite surprised when he started talking to me more patiently about the problems he had with my drivings and some other things I didn't really bother to absorb.... later I found out the reason why he suddenly stopped being such a sourpuss was because it was lunch time for him.

Worst lesson thus far and probably will be the last weekend lesson I will book that falls before their lunch time, also went for my Final Theory Evaluation and I failed that shit all over again, in fact I scored even worst than my last attempt, so frustrating.

After my driving lesson, i decided to drop by Westmall to try out this new craze of froyo called LlaoLlao, I knew it was frozen yoghurt, but I kept thinking it was going to taste like a regular softee but topped with fresh fruits and drizzled with sauce. I personally am not a fan of yogurt, I don't like how it taste, I don't like how it smells and I don't like how it looks all curdled and urgh!

The queue at that time wasn't very long, probably only had 6 people in front of me, but as I was waiting for my turn, the queue started getting longer and longer. I decided t go for their signature item which was the Sanum.

1 Crunch - Chocolate Crunchy Pearls

3 Fruits - Strawberries, Blueberries, Kiwi

1 Sauce - Raffaello

I wanted it to be as tart as possible, thus my choice of fruits, which was fucking stupid because the yogurt ice cream was already quite tart, the sauce was pretty good though, I had initially thought the sourness came from the sauce, but when I realized it was from the ice cream, I started to really dislike it, it was horrible and because I was taking a bus home, I didn't consume the froyo until I reached home, and by that time, it was already liquid. I actually threw my llao llao away because I couldn't finish it, not because I was full but because I just didn't like frozen yoghurt.

I know I'm not going to queue for it again.

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