Friday 21 November 2014


Went for my third driving lesson yesterday, the weather initlaly started out fine when I was in the bus heading towards the school, there were dark clouds but the school was close by and I thought maybe I could get there in time before it starts to really rain, I was wrong.

The moment I got off the bus, it started pouring cats and dogs, there wasn't any slight drizzling before or any light rain that comes before a heavy rain, mother nature decided to skip all that and jump straight to a heavy downpour. I managed to get into the driving center 50% dry, my top was dry, my pants were half drenched in water and my shoes, well, it was a very unpleasant experience for the next 45 minutes.

The instructor who was taking me that day was very nice, he allowed me to drive barefoot when he realized how wet my shoes were, but now thinking back, it was probably extremely unsanitary, I doubt anyone actually cleans the accelerator and brake pedals, that would mean I was probably stepping on dried human pee, dog shit, dried up vomit, dead animal carcasses and many other things people step on with their shoes, with my bare feet. Urgh.

Got to drive on the public road from the get go, which was quite fun, drove around for about an hour, got to drove past my secondary school, which was quite nostalgic.  After that, went back to the circuit, drove a few rounds around it and the lesson was over, put on my disgustingly wet shoes and went back home after that. This is my third lesson, but the fourth one I have booked, I actually missed the third lesson I booked and ended up wasting $70 because I am a genius, and by genius I mean extremely stupid and forgetful.

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