Monday 1 September 2014

False Advertising

Went for my third Interior Designer position interview today at Ubi Road. This time I found this company on my own, so my expectations weren't exactly super low but at the same time, I didn't want to put too much hope lest it actually went south and starting sucking.

In order to get to the company, I had to take a bus, switch to a train after a 20 minutes ride, switched to another bus after another 20 minutes ride on the train, not counting in the waiting time for the buses which varies from 5 minutes to 45 minutes on a bad day. The fact that I had to actually switch from a bus to a train and back to a bus again was already a sign that the location was going to be an issue. Once in a while it's not so bad, I mean I do that every time I book out of my army camp in Changi during my NS, like maximum twice a week....taking a 2 hour ride home and hoping I won't get motion sickness wasn't so bad, but if I had to do that constant bus-train-bus switching routine 5 to 6 days a week for the next year or so, I'm probably not even going to last a week before handing in my resignation letter.

So I reached the place and the building was a nightmare to navigate, I had to walk around the building to find the design firm because I was at the wrong side and when I finally found the design firm, I was so hot and bothered I really wasn't interested in the position anymore because it was just too inconvenient for me, the only way I would actually consider this company would be if the boss offered me some kick ass job benefits.

In my previous post, I blogged about how I hate it when companies don't state on their job ad title that they are looking for sales designers and it's only after clicking the ad do you realize that it's actually a sales designer position.  Well this company went a step further and left all that information out on their job ads and website career page.

  • The role of DESIGNERS:
  • To assist the Senior Designer in the generation and development of detailed design.
  • To assist the Senior Designer in generating 3d visuals and presentation boards.
  • To assist the Senior Designer in keeping awareness of current and emerging trends of the industry and to ideate, research and conceptualise.
  • To assist the Senior Designers in documentation.

This was the job scope I saw under their career page on their official website, no where does it state that it's a sales position so i thought there would be no way I was going to be doing any sales related work, since I will be assisting the senior designer, that probably means the Senior Designer will be the one who will be speaking to the clients and that's great, because I really don't want to be handling the clients directly and listening to their idea of a dream home, how they want to make the impossible possible, like hanging a huge ass chandelier in their 2 bedroom single story apartment or knocking out all the walls of their flat so it becomes one big open I really don't need to be dealing with that kind of shit.

So after about 20 minutes of filling up a form and waiting for the boss to return from his lunch, I finally got to start the interview, he invites me to his office and the first thing he tells me...

" So the position you are being interviewed for is for Sales Designer."

The smile I had on my face started fading away when he said that, and even when I was trying to smile, I was frowning.

"Ummm, I am applying as the position for Designer, not sales designer."

.... because no where in the fucking job ad or the job scope on the website did it EVER state that the position I was applying for was even remotely related to sales.

Turns out the Designer position IS a sales designer position, it just wasn't stated anywhere on their website or job ad.. My gawd thinking about it pisses me off. I kinda had a bad feeling when I first walked into the company and realized how ah-beng most of the workers were, even the admin lady wasn't really dress for the part, she was dressed in short shorts and a shirt that was exposing the lower part of the stomach.

When I realized that the position has been falsely advertised, all I wanted to do was for the boss to quickly end the interview so I could just get out of there because every minute he spends telling me how awesome the job is was just going in from one ear and exiting out from the other because I don't give a shit. I didn't really want to end it myself because it's a bit rude even though I had essentially been lied to about the position I was applying for.

In the end all the boss told me was that he would keep me in view when he realized I wasn't really showing much interest in the position, said he would give me time to think over or something, not that I really need any time to think over a position I had zero intention of applying for in the beginning. Disgusting.

Anyways, after leaving the area, I realized I had actually been to the building before, in fact I had been there for an interview for a position as a sales designer back when I was fresh out of the army, oh the days when I was young and clueless.

Good news though is that I received an email literally minutes after I left the design firm from another architect firm, setting up an interview with me this Friday. Fingers crossed that that works out well, really need a good decent design company to hire me.

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