Thursday 4 September 2014

Bad Feeling

Will be having my final job interview tomorrow, the deciding interview on whether or not I will actually be working for someone else or work for my father.

I have gone through 3 interviews and they have all been huge disappointments, the first one was just horrible from start to finish because of an interviewer who couldn't give a shit, the second and third ones were just disappointing at the end when I found out they weren't offering me the position I was applying for, the bosses interviewed me themselves so I give them props for that but it still pretty upsetting at the end of the day when I realize I have traveled an average of 1.5 hours just to go for an interview that never had any chance of ending well.

My interview tomorrow will be for an Architect firm, so that's reassuring because it's probably a lot harder to do sales for architecture work, which means very low chance of it actually being a sales position because fuck those positions,  although I can't help but have this feeling that they are just gonna ask me to go there for an interview just for the sake of interviewing me.

I will be the "practice interview" for their employees which sucks, but seriously, to bosses who do that to the candidates, you can go fuck yourself with a plate ruler lubed with krazy glue. We may have a lot of time because we are jobless, but that doesn't mean we want to spend that time going to interviews at companies that never had the intention of hiring us in the first place.

Speaking of a lot of time and putting the job interview topic aside, I have made a lot of cake pops lately it's a bit sick, it's like the new macaron obsession. In my fridge right now, I probably have around 30 cake pops waiting to be coated.

I have never wanted a microwave so badly, melting the coating chocolate over hot water takes forever and it's also extremely inconvenient to store the excess melted chocolate. I am actually following the recipe from the bakery, but they always taste different from when I make them at the bakery, so that's very disappointing, tried making chocolate cake yesterday and it just tasted like vegetable oil, it was pretty gross. I'm not sure if it's because of the oven or the brand of the ingredients I am using, but replicating the same flavors and even the texture is impossible with the ingredients and baking appliances I have at home.

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