Monday 8 October 2012


Out of sheer boredom from doing duty in camp the last 4 days, I decided to do something I never thought I would do, reading Breaking Dawn.

It so happened that there was a e-book copy of Breaking Dawn in the computer in camp, so I decided why the hell not and read through the last half of the book, because I have watched all the Twilight movie and I'm not really proud of it,

I just thought skipping the first half of it would be alright, and it was because the book is pretty simple to read. Simple enough that I don't have to re-read everything over multiple times, and right now I'm getting flashbacks of reading Philosophy text during my poly days, the horrors of reading through just a line of text and only managing to get the gist of it after reading it over 10 times, that's philosophy, interesting when understood, frustrating when not.

Would've rather read Breaking Dawn on an actual book rather than on a computer screen though, but because I am not planning to get the book and reading just the last half of it, and also actually buying a copy of the book in a bookstore, I decided to go home and download the e-book because I can't read it fast enough in camp to complete the whole book. My eyes are on the verge of suicide because it's not meant to be staring at a wall of text on the computer screen for so long, it's only train to stare at a computer screen that's showing games and videos.

Reading Breaking Dawn kinda reminded me the joy of reading books, thus I decided to get to get a new book today at Bugis.

Not Breaking Dawn.

Haven't got to reading it yet but I saw the trailer for the movie adaption, not surprisingly because I love to read books that are going to have a movie adaptation, and it's very confusing initially  until I went to Wiki to read what it was really about. The other reason I bought this book was also because the other book that I was planning to buying cost $50 and it only comes in hardcover. It's a big book called The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling. I will probably get it when the price drops and it's comes out with a paperback version. I'm not going to carry a bible of a book around camp, that's stupid but more importantly it's heavy.

Whilst at Bugis today, while ordering a drink, I was served by this lady, whom I'm not sure whether if she's half deaf or I'm too soft spoken, that kept on going "Huh?" when I was making my order.

"What do you want?"

"Hazelnut Milk Tea."



"With Pearls?"

"Can I have grass jelly instead."



"Sugar level?"

"Ummm... 50%"



It was extremely annoying... so maybe I was soft spoken, but going "Huh?" every time I say something is very irritating. Why can't they just say "Excuse Me?" or "Sorry?" 

Even when I hear my own friends saying "Huh?" to me every time I complete like a long sentence, I get extremely annoyed because that would mean I have to repeat myself all over again, and I really can't stand people going "HUH?" in an annoyed tone at me multiple times.

Everytime they go....

"Huh? Huh? Huh?"
Just makes me want to


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