Saturday 13 October 2012


The first tightening for my braces wasn't as painful as I thought it would be. I initially expected extractions to be involved because I see one tooth that isn't really co-operating, same tooth that's not allowing me to fully bite now.

Luckily there wasn't any extraction involved, in fact the whole procedure only took like 10 mins. That was a pleasant surprise. The internet always exaggerate the pain, Yahoo answers tell me the first tightening is going to hurt like crazy, but it didn't, it only felt tight, and even though my teeth felt a bit sensitive, they weren't painful. I really question how people perceive pain sometimes.... either that or I should start question my own  perception of pain.

Well I didn't manage to complete Breaking Dawn because I can't bring myself to read the whole book, I just skimmed through, got lost through the skimming of the millions of Vampires that get introduced along the way and decided to give up. I mean the first few part is just Bella comparing how awesome Vampire life is to a human life and how shit her life as a human was, it's no wonder all the hardcore fans desperately want to get bitten by Edward, because Bella is making human life sound like a pile of horse shit. The other reason I didn't finish reading Breaking Dawn is because I've been playing this awesome game called Dishonored.

I should really buy the game and support the developers but I'm too cheap and broke. It's the braces.

From the same studios that created the Elders Scrolls series and Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, I wasn't expecting any less. It's really good, I'm actually playing it through a second time, trying to get a better ending, I got a darker ending because I ended up killing everyone. It's not really working though because I'm still killing like 90% of the mobs. They kept getting in my way and I like teleporting in front on the enemy and then clicking the left mouse button and watch the main character stick a blade into the enemy's neck before they vanish into ash, it's very bad ass and it made me feel bad ass, until I quit the game and come back to real life. 

I've also been spending a lot of time baking cupcakes and I've finally found the method to getting really fluffy and soft cupcakes like Plain Vanilla and Twelve Cupcakes, that being said, the flavors still need a little tweaking. I actually felt a bit euphoric after getting the texture down. It's like when my Macarons finally got their feet and smooth shell after dozens of attempts.

Baking aside, I've also been doing a bit of sketching for a submission. It's not so much for my submission into Uni anymore, I'm a practical person, I know with my grades I won't get in, but I need something to do in my free time.

Rose sketch made decent after heavy filtering.

I do not enjoy the process of sketching.

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